I think that our school teachers and administrators at CHSS are working very hard to implement programs and educational strategies for our gifted kids. Change isn't easy; I realize that, too. I am really struggling right now to find a balance between being a pest and being patient about standing on the sidelines.
I have been re-reading all the articles that I printed off the web, trying to gleam some advice from them on how to find and maintain that balance. One of those articles (an exerpt is copied below) gives the following "guidelines":
1) Focus on a specific mission with definite goals
2) Create a group of parents, business leaders and school professionals
3) Establish a steering committe
4) Contact your state advocacy group (ours is PAGE)
5) Adopt by-laws, etc
6) Identify the people who actually have the authority to make decisions
7) Allow educational professionals to developt the program
8) Conduct short and long term evaluation of the advocacy process
9) Provide reinforcement for group members who volunteer their time and energy
10) Be informed
11) Enjoy the people you will meet and get to know, and satisfaction when your efforts are successful
I think we've really reached the point where the teachers and administration at CHSS know that parents are concerned, and are willing to work with the school to create a successful AIG program. Now we really need to get our advocacy group organized.
According to Sandra L Berger, in ERIC EC Digest #E494 (the ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education), published in 1990:
"Effective nurturing of giftedness in children and adolescents requires a cooperative partnership between home and school, one that is characterized by mutual respect and an ongoing sharing of ideas and observations about the children involved. To accomplish this partnership, parents and educators must know something about giftedness, understand the children's needs, and understand some basic principles of advocacy.
Parents and educators should understand how to be effective advocates because recognition that all gifted children require programs specifically tailored to their unique learning requirements requires responsible action. Your Gifted Child (1989) provides practical suggestions on individual advocacy. If the problem involves many children, such as might be the case when there is a need for program development or expansion, a unified group voicing shared concerns is far more effective than the complaints of one or two people. Advocacy groups also provide mutual support and share problem-solving strategies.
Effective group advocacy requires individuals to be knowledgeable, organize, define goals and objectives, understand the organization and structure of the local school system, use existing local and state systems, be committed, and be persistent and patient. Joining or establishing a parent group is a good place to start. Investigate groups such as your local Parent Teacher Association to find out whether or not there are others who share your concerns. Contact your State Department of Education Coordinator for Gifted Programs and ask how to get in touch with your state advocacy group."
(source: http//www.hoagiesgifted.org/eric/archived/e494.html)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Showing GROWTH
I met with Linda Layden last Friday for my child's annual review. 'Nuff said.
Before and after we discussed my child, we talked about the action that the school has been taking to create and implement an AIG program.
One of the questions on my mind, (and one that I've discussed with many friends who are parents of gifted students,) is "How does my child possibly show growth on the EOGs when his percentile and his actual (1-2-3-4) "score" is consistent? It turns out there's a (really complicated) formula for "Growth" and "Adequate Yearly Progress" (AYP), and scores for those two things, that the school gets and parents don't.
I'm not advocating that you call the school and find out what your child's "growth" score and/or AYP are...it isn't really going to tell you anything new. But, it is interesting to learn that what we see on the standardized test results, and what the state looks at to determine a school's "label" are two different things.
If you love to soak up bits of trivia and have great comprehension skills, you can click on the title above or copy/paste this link: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/accountability/reporting/abc/2006-07/standards2006.pdf to see how the calculations are done. I opened it, said "oh, okay", read as much as I could, and closed the page - without much more depth of understanding.
Here's a taste of it (the formula was changed for the 2006-2007 school year, and the site says it may have slight modifications again in 2008)"
"Under the new formulas, student scores were standardized and a student’s performance was considered as a point on the c-scale (change scale) relative to standard performance for that grade level in a standard setting year. A student’s developmental scale score was converted to a c-scale score."
"Under the new formulas, the individual student is expected to perform as well, or better, on the end-of-grade (EOG) assessment for the current year as she or he did, on average, during the previous two years when the student’s scores are placed on the c-scale. As an indicator of growth, the new model is based on academic change. The academic change is based on an average of the previous two years’ assessments. If there is only one year’s EOG test data available, the expectation for change will be based on one previous assessment. Like the original formulas, the new formulas factor in an adjustment for
regression to the mean (a student who performs above or below the mean score on one EOG will likely score closer to the mean on a subsequent EOG)."
"Academic change is expressed as the difference between a student’s actual c-scale score for the current year and the student’s average of two (in most cases) previous assessments (EOGs and EOCs) with a correction for regression toward the mean. A positive academic change indicates a gain in academic achievement, while a negative academic change indicates a loss in academic achievement from the previous two years. The simplified formula to determine academic change is:
AC = CS/c-scale – (0.92 x ATPA/c-scale)
• AC = academic change
• CS = current score
• ATPA = average of two previous assessment scores
A modification is made to the formula for determining academic change in grade 3 and for any instance when only one previous year’s EOG score is available or only one previous year’s EOC score is required. The formula*, adjusted for one previous year’s assessment score, is:
AC = CSc-scale – (0.82 x PA c-scale)
• AC = academic change
• CS = current score
• PA = previous assessment score"
Maybe one of our kids who is participating in MathCounts (which is being implemented THIS YEAR!) can explain that to me. I have a decent head for figures, but can't quite get my mind around that one.
The school gets a list of each child's computed c-score. If the score is positive, the child has shown growth. If the score is negative, the child has had some academic regression. There is another complicated formula that takes all the c-scores and manipulates them to get an overall score for the school.
Now that I'm totally confused, and wondering why anyone would want this information, I realize that I may not ever understand quite how the calculations work, but I now know that it is possible for every child to show "academic growth" from one year to the next. I still wish so much focus didn't have to be put on teaching our children how to take the EOG tests, and more attention could be paid to differentiated instruction, but right now I'm thankful that we are at least taking baby steps.
Before and after we discussed my child, we talked about the action that the school has been taking to create and implement an AIG program.
One of the questions on my mind, (and one that I've discussed with many friends who are parents of gifted students,) is "How does my child possibly show growth on the EOGs when his percentile and his actual (1-2-3-4) "score" is consistent? It turns out there's a (really complicated) formula for "Growth" and "Adequate Yearly Progress" (AYP), and scores for those two things, that the school gets and parents don't.
I'm not advocating that you call the school and find out what your child's "growth" score and/or AYP are...it isn't really going to tell you anything new. But, it is interesting to learn that what we see on the standardized test results, and what the state looks at to determine a school's "label" are two different things.
If you love to soak up bits of trivia and have great comprehension skills, you can click on the title above or copy/paste this link: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/accountability/reporting/abc/2006-07/standards2006.pdf to see how the calculations are done. I opened it, said "oh, okay", read as much as I could, and closed the page - without much more depth of understanding.
Here's a taste of it (the formula was changed for the 2006-2007 school year, and the site says it may have slight modifications again in 2008)"
"Under the new formulas, student scores were standardized and a student’s performance was considered as a point on the c-scale (change scale) relative to standard performance for that grade level in a standard setting year. A student’s developmental scale score was converted to a c-scale score."
"Under the new formulas, the individual student is expected to perform as well, or better, on the end-of-grade (EOG) assessment for the current year as she or he did, on average, during the previous two years when the student’s scores are placed on the c-scale. As an indicator of growth, the new model is based on academic change. The academic change is based on an average of the previous two years’ assessments. If there is only one year’s EOG test data available, the expectation for change will be based on one previous assessment. Like the original formulas, the new formulas factor in an adjustment for
regression to the mean (a student who performs above or below the mean score on one EOG will likely score closer to the mean on a subsequent EOG)."
"Academic change is expressed as the difference between a student’s actual c-scale score for the current year and the student’s average of two (in most cases) previous assessments (EOGs and EOCs) with a correction for regression toward the mean. A positive academic change indicates a gain in academic achievement, while a negative academic change indicates a loss in academic achievement from the previous two years. The simplified formula to determine academic change is:
AC = CS/c-scale – (0.92 x ATPA/c-scale)
• AC = academic change
• CS = current score
• ATPA = average of two previous assessment scores
A modification is made to the formula for determining academic change in grade 3 and for any instance when only one previous year’s EOG score is available or only one previous year’s EOC score is required. The formula*, adjusted for one previous year’s assessment score, is:
AC = CSc-scale – (0.82 x PA c-scale)
• AC = academic change
• CS = current score
• PA = previous assessment score"
Maybe one of our kids who is participating in MathCounts (which is being implemented THIS YEAR!) can explain that to me. I have a decent head for figures, but can't quite get my mind around that one.
The school gets a list of each child's computed c-score. If the score is positive, the child has shown growth. If the score is negative, the child has had some academic regression. There is another complicated formula that takes all the c-scores and manipulates them to get an overall score for the school.
Now that I'm totally confused, and wondering why anyone would want this information, I realize that I may not ever understand quite how the calculations work, but I now know that it is possible for every child to show "academic growth" from one year to the next. I still wish so much focus didn't have to be put on teaching our children how to take the EOG tests, and more attention could be paid to differentiated instruction, but right now I'm thankful that we are at least taking baby steps.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I have struggled to write a summary of last Thursday's meeting, mostly because I can't find my notes :} However, I do have some news to report. (This isn't it, but Jean Taylor, who couldn't be at the meeting because she was out of town, has also expressed her support for our efforts and commitment to helping us.)
Last night I saw Judi Hornbeck and Linda Layden (as well as lots of teachers) at the Board of Education Meeting that was held at Cape Hatteras Elementary.
I had emailed Linda earlier in the day, and got a response from her right after the meeting. I had asked for an update to share with other parents, about what steps had been taken since our Thursday meeting, where we ALL agreed that the current AIG program (or lack thereof) had some big problems and needed immediate action, as well as long term goals, to remedy the situation.
According to Linda, here are the steps that have been taken at CHSS middle school. Please remember these don't necessarily impact every child. You can discuss your child's specific needs with her when you have your meeting.
"Just a few updates per your request:
- We are in the process of moving some students for advanced courses (on individual circumstance in math).
- Hurricane Watch time is being revised this week - changes should be in place next week.
- Coordinating with state NCAGT rep to finalize next meeting date & PAGE info. Just got her returned message tonight and she said she would "love" to come visit - we will finalize date/time by Wednesday. TBA!
- Faculty meeting held on Monday - AIG plans distributed to ALL staff members. Discussions held.
- Counselor distributing info on TIP, SAT, etc. on constant basis.
- Teachers are signing up for NCSSM distance learning programs.
- Media Center has already begun to be used more and more effectively!
- Teachers are getting "best practice" information from Jean, Judi and me on an almost daily basis.
- Constant collaboration about AIG among administrators and teachers on a daily basis.
- Review of AIG plans - updating records - scheduling meetings with parents."
I have gotten word that some AIG students have brought home "different homework" (part of the diferrentiated instruction) and that books have been assigned from the Battle of the Books list. I have not talked to any teachers personally yet. I have printed the packet for MATHCOUNTS, and given it to Linda to give to Mr. Scott Day to get his opinion (and possibly either a commitment or a recommendation to coach the club/team). Additionally, I will send the information about National Junior Honor Society in to school today.
Thanks to everyone who is keeping in touch with us, and working to make this a really successful year with big changes and lots of new and exciting challenges - not only extra-curricular, but also (an even more importanly) in the classrooms.
Last night I saw Judi Hornbeck and Linda Layden (as well as lots of teachers) at the Board of Education Meeting that was held at Cape Hatteras Elementary.
I had emailed Linda earlier in the day, and got a response from her right after the meeting. I had asked for an update to share with other parents, about what steps had been taken since our Thursday meeting, where we ALL agreed that the current AIG program (or lack thereof) had some big problems and needed immediate action, as well as long term goals, to remedy the situation.
According to Linda, here are the steps that have been taken at CHSS middle school. Please remember these don't necessarily impact every child. You can discuss your child's specific needs with her when you have your meeting.
"Just a few updates per your request:
- We are in the process of moving some students for advanced courses (on individual circumstance in math).
- Hurricane Watch time is being revised this week - changes should be in place next week.
- Coordinating with state NCAGT rep to finalize next meeting date & PAGE info. Just got her returned message tonight and she said she would "love" to come visit - we will finalize date/time by Wednesday. TBA!
- Faculty meeting held on Monday - AIG plans distributed to ALL staff members. Discussions held.
- Counselor distributing info on TIP, SAT, etc. on constant basis.
- Teachers are signing up for NCSSM distance learning programs.
- Media Center has already begun to be used more and more effectively!
- Teachers are getting "best practice" information from Jean, Judi and me on an almost daily basis.
- Constant collaboration about AIG among administrators and teachers on a daily basis.
- Review of AIG plans - updating records - scheduling meetings with parents."
I have gotten word that some AIG students have brought home "different homework" (part of the diferrentiated instruction) and that books have been assigned from the Battle of the Books list. I have not talked to any teachers personally yet. I have printed the packet for MATHCOUNTS, and given it to Linda to give to Mr. Scott Day to get his opinion (and possibly either a commitment or a recommendation to coach the club/team). Additionally, I will send the information about National Junior Honor Society in to school today.
Thanks to everyone who is keeping in touch with us, and working to make this a really successful year with big changes and lots of new and exciting challenges - not only extra-curricular, but also (an even more importanly) in the classrooms.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I was printing stuff for MATHCOUNTS, and looking around at some more information, and I found this page. I think it could be a great site to have kids explore and start thinking about their interests. Either click the title above or copy/paste this link:
This is what it says:
This Web site is about careers. Not just the interesting ones other people have, but the ones YOU can have. Don't know where to start? Well, dive right in and:
EXPLORE many different areas, not just the ones that seem obvious.
THINK about what you enjoy. See where it leads you.
EXPERIENCE lots of ideas.
You may not know now exactly what you want to do as an adult, but this site will help you start. Discover who you are, what you like to do, and what you do best.
The site has a teacher login - I'm not sure what that's for, but I think it's worth letting your students check it out! :)
This is what it says:
This Web site is about careers. Not just the interesting ones other people have, but the ones YOU can have. Don't know where to start? Well, dive right in and:
EXPLORE many different areas, not just the ones that seem obvious.
THINK about what you enjoy. See where it leads you.
EXPERIENCE lots of ideas.
You may not know now exactly what you want to do as an adult, but this site will help you start. Discover who you are, what you like to do, and what you do best.
The site has a teacher login - I'm not sure what that's for, but I think it's worth letting your students check it out! :)
Monday, October 8, 2007
ARTICLE - "Pushy Parents"
Click the title above, or copy/paste this link to read the original article: http://www.giftedbooks.com/authorarticles.asp?id=11
This is not my work.
'Pushy Parents' ... Bad Rap or Necessary Role?
Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E.
(Used with permission by the California Association for the Gifted) Communicator: Volume 30, No. 3, Summer 1999
Arlene DeVries is author of the book Gifted Parent Groups: The SENG Model
"My Abigail, who has been grade-skipped to second grade, is in a classroom with a fine teacher whom I respect, but Abbey runs out of things to do ALL THE TIME! She is reading chapter books and there is no one with whom she can discuss them. I'm happy to help in any way, but meanwhile, there's my little petunia in the onion patch, marking time and suffering the slings and arrows of children who are not her intellectual peers and who have not learned respect for others."
This mother's concern is echoed over and over across the country, as parents of bright children are asking, "What can we do?" How much do you speak up for your child and how much do you back off? Are "pushy" parents getting a bad rap, or is this a necessary role?
Schools are a reflection of our society, and parents are a vital part of the culture. Tax--paying parents have more power than educators. Without parent support and advocacy, gifted education would not survive. The universal goal of education is to meet the needs of students. Parents of gifted children, though representing a small percentage of the students, are minority stakeholders in the schools and deserve to have their children's educational needs met. It is vital that parents of gifted speak up for the needs of bright children. How can you effectively do that? Here are some tips.
Establish rapport with the school.
Be a friend to the school. Let teachers and administrators know you appreciate their efforts. When was the last time you wrote a note of appreciation to school personnel? Let them know you recognize their initiatives and the time they spend with your children. Be specific. Early in the year, write an "anticipatory praise" note to your child's teacher telling him or her how you are looking forward to your child being in their classroom because. . . . .of the excellent science activities they do; the gerbils they loan to student helpers for the weekend; or the myriad of paperback books available in their classroom. Share information about your child that might be helpful to the teacher. Express your willingness to discuss any concerns the teacher may have about your child, and offer to be of assistance throughout the year.
Parents can aid schools in delivering appropriate education in many ways. Some involve working directly with students. Others are behind-the-scenes activities that send the message to teachers that you care and that you understand the monumental tasks they are facing with limited time and money. Some suggestions are listed here.
-Serve as a mentor to an individual student, perhaps with one who is accelerated in reading or mathematics.
-Serve as a coach for Future Problem Solving, Odyssey of the Mind, Academic Decathlon, Junior Great Books, Math Olympiad, History Day, or Science Fair.
-Organize a lending library of professional materials for parents and educators.
-Assist in compiling, editing, or printing a newspaper or anthology of student work.
-Provide career exploration for students.
-Compile student interest surveys.
-Use the Internet to research a topic being studied in class and share the information and web site with the class.
-Research material for a local music concert, drama production, or art exhibit. Share the information with students and transport them to the performance.
-Judge contests such as science fairs, mock trial competitions, or invention conventions.
-Arrange for a guest speaker, a field trip, or a student shadowing experience.
-Transport students to the public library and assist them in a computer search or the use of the reference room.
-Organize and lead a book discussion group.
-Offer to video tape a school event.
-Make computer mailing labels or computer generated certificates for students.
-Assist in collating and preparing a mailing.
-Donate books or a magazine subscription to the school library.
-Spearhead a schoolground beautification project. Donate time and plantings.
-Organize a fine arts day. Invite local artists and performers.
-Offer to teach an after-school or Saturday class in an area of your expertise or interest.
Educators, parents, and community persons are appointed to serve on such district committees as: district advisory committees, textbook selection committees, building parent-teacher committees, financial oversight committees, and building and property committees. Parents who support individual school board members in their campaigns for office, also have their ear when a concern about gifted education arises. Attending school board meetings, or better yet, being a candidate for the school board, indicates you care about education. A friendly face gets a warmer reception when it's time to discuss a difficult situation.
Be informed.
What do you need to know to be an effective advocate? More than you think! Understand the budget, the educational philosophy, board members' positions, and the organizational hierarchy of your entire school system. What is the district mission statement and what are the board policies? Who has the power and who makes the decisions? Read the board minutes to understand the issues facing the school system. Attend board meetings and observe who speaks, how they dress, what style is effective.
Next, become an expert on gifted education, both in your district and across the country. What is the district policy statement regarding gifted education? What is the funding source? Is it adequate? What are the state regulations and funding guidelines? Who is the coordinator of gifted and who is on the staff? In what talent areas are students served? What assessment methods are used to identify gifted students? What are the program components for serving these children? Learn about gifted children and gifted education in general. Read books, attend conferences, talk to parents in neighboring districts. Visit with teachers and other professionals, with area and state gifted consultants, to discover the acceptable practices in gifted education.
To know yourself and know your children is the most important element of all. Are you comfortable with who you are? Do you understand your children's abilities and short comings? What are your strengths? How can you make them work for you? What are your liabilities? What traits do you have in common with your children? Many parents have found the SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted) model of guided discussion groups helpful in understanding both themselves and their children. This ten week series based on the book, Guiding the Gifted Child,provides opportunities to read, discuss, and interact with other parents to better understand the behaviors and parenting skills needed to support these children. To be confident in your own abilities, is the first step to success.
Use effective communication techniques.
School and home share some common goals for the emotional, social, and academic growth of the child. Both want students to acquire some basic knowledge, some thinking and problem solving skills; to develop their gifts, talents, and creativity; to attain social skills, a good self-concept, and a lifelong love of learning. To achieve these goals for your children, it is imperative that parents and educators become partners rather than adversaries. Although the child the school sees is the same child you send out the door each morning, teachers and parents relate to the child from different perspectives. Each have unique insights into the child's needs, aspirations, interests, and aptitudes. It is this cooperation between school and home that can be powerful in contributing to students' success later in life.
When you wish to communicate with the school, follow the chain of command by talking first to the classroom teacher. He or she has the most knowledge about your student. Teachers are increasingly more informed about gifted children and their educational needs, but are also hampered by the constraints of the educational system in which they work and the demands to meet the diverse needs within their classroom. Many teachers have had no formal pre-service training in gifted education and only limited in-service. Despite these handicaps, most are willing to cooperate with parents in finding appropriate educational solutions.
True communication is hearing what others say; sensing what they are feeling; and responding empathically to both. An attitude of "What can we do together for my child?" receives a more positive response than one of "blaming" or asking, "What are YOU going to do?" Prepare for the conference by discussing with your child his or her feelings about school. Identify specific behaviors or interests in your child. To establish a common understanding, initially ask for the teacher's overall perception about the child. Then build on the positives as shared by the teacher. Be diplomatic, respectful, and tactful. Learning the educational "jargon" and the terms for varied gifted education delivery methods increases your credibility and respect with the teacher. Be aware of your body language and the words you choose. You many want to avoid some "hot button" words such as, "bored, brilliant, always, last year!" Some "softener" phrases might include, "I'm curious about…" "I'm wondering if…" "Can you help me understand…" It is far better to ask questions than make demands. "Have you thought about…?" "I wonder what would happened if…?"
If you take examples of products produced outside the school day, or results from private psychological tests, introduce them in a way that is not threatening to the teacher. Not, "See, I told you she was smart." But rather, "I know you are interested in each individual student, and I thought you might enjoy seeing these examples of Mary's work." Parents can share the child's out of school interests, skills, leisure time activities, and home responsibilities; things the child especially enjoys about school or experiences the child finds frustrating; any unusual happenings that might affect the emotional well-being of the child. Be specific about concerns. Focus on solutions or problem-solving attempts in small steps and ones that are achievable. Try to come to an agreement on a plan of action. If the suggestion is one you cannot accept, reflect on the possibilities and indicate you will follow-up at a later date. Express a willingness to work together and to be informed. Be positive about the child, the teacher, and the school.
Only after conferring with the child's teacher, should you move on to the next person in command. Even then, it is wise to inform or include the teacher in a conference with the principal. Other persons that might be helpful are the supervisor or director of gifted education, and curriculum supervisors. If you are still experiencing frustration over your child's education, it might be appropriate to talk to the director of elementary or secondary education, an assistant superintendent or a superintendent. Involving the board of education is a last resort! Educators dislike being questioned by the board of directors and this can lead to hostile feelings toward a parent by administrators.
Know what to expect from a gifted program.
Parents can be effective if they know what questions to ask regarding the gifted program.
Does the district have a clearly written plan with a philosophy and goals specifically for gifted students?
Does the identification method use multiple criteria?
Are teachers who serve the gifted supportive and have they received appropriate training?
Are there multiple programming components designed to meet individual needs and learning styles, and are they articulated across grade levels?
Is there an emphasis on problem solving, higher level thinking, and student generated products of high quality?
Is curriculum presented at an appropriate level and pace?
Are there opportunities for students to interact with ability-level peers?
Does the program have a component for parent and community involvement?
Does the program address the social and emotional needs unique to gifted students?
In addition to academics which are recognized as part of the total school curriculum, are there after school and Saturday enrichment opportunities in the areas of student interests?
Does the program have a systematic and on-going evaluation?
Join with other parents.
Parents joining together can speak collectively for the needs of gifted children. A parent support group offers moral support and an opportunity to increase your knowledge about gifted students and appropriate educational opportunities. Meet with a nucleus of other parents who share a concern for the needs of gifted children. Involve the district coordinator. Perhaps he or she will be willing to give you names of other parents, or notify them of a meeting time and place. Establish a minimum structure for the group: officers, by-laws, meeting date, dues structure. You will need some funds for communication, refreshments, and mileage for speakers. Plan interesting and informative programs. At one of the first meetings, school personnel might give an overview of the district's gifted talented program, its structure, personnel, and funding. Communication with members and programs of interest to parents are essential to maintain a successful group. These program ideas have been used: a presentation on the characteristics of gifted children; a parent-child creative writing night; a discussion of state legislative issues; planning, searching and applying for college; creative activities in the home; the social-emotional needs of gifted children; competitions for gifted students; parents as volunteers; a summer opportunities fair; a local librarian sharing the latest books for children and parents; family games night; parenting young gifted children; appropriate computer games and web sites.
Some parent groups reach out to the community by enlisting the mayor to issue a proclamation for Gifted Education Week; providing scholarships to summer programs; organizing Saturday or summer enrichment classes taught by their members; contributing books or magazines to school libraries; honoring gifted students for special awards or achievements.
If parents feel supported, informed, and connected with other parents, they can become a powerful advocacy group. When the president of the parent group addresses the board of education or writes to the administration, it is as a representative of all the gifted children in the district, not just a single person advocating for his or her child. There is power in numbers!
Are pushy parents getting a bad rap? Perhaps. But informed parents who advocate for their gifted children are a necessity if gifted education programs are to survive!
Alvino, J. (1985). Parents' guide to raising a gifted child. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Co.
Barclay, K., Boone, E. (1996). The parent difference: Uniting school, family, and community. Arlington Heights, IL: IRI/SkyLight Training and Publishing Co.
Dunn, R., Dunn, K., Treffinger, D. (1992). Bringing out the giftedness in your child.New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Ehrlich, V. (1985). Gifted children: A guide for parents and teachers.New York, NY: Trillium Press.
Renzulli, J. (1994). Schools for talent development: A practical plan for total school improvement.Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press, Inc.
Steele, K. (1996). Involving parents in schools.Dayton, OH: Pieces of Learning.
Walker, S. (1991). The survival guide for parents of gifted kids.
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing, Inc.
Webb, J., DeVries, A. (1998). Gifted parent groups: the SENG model.Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
Webb, J., Meckstroth, B., Tolan, S. (1994). Guiding the gifted child. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
This is not my work.
'Pushy Parents' ... Bad Rap or Necessary Role?
Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E.
(Used with permission by the California Association for the Gifted) Communicator: Volume 30, No. 3, Summer 1999
Arlene DeVries is author of the book Gifted Parent Groups: The SENG Model
"My Abigail, who has been grade-skipped to second grade, is in a classroom with a fine teacher whom I respect, but Abbey runs out of things to do ALL THE TIME! She is reading chapter books and there is no one with whom she can discuss them. I'm happy to help in any way, but meanwhile, there's my little petunia in the onion patch, marking time and suffering the slings and arrows of children who are not her intellectual peers and who have not learned respect for others."
This mother's concern is echoed over and over across the country, as parents of bright children are asking, "What can we do?" How much do you speak up for your child and how much do you back off? Are "pushy" parents getting a bad rap, or is this a necessary role?
Schools are a reflection of our society, and parents are a vital part of the culture. Tax--paying parents have more power than educators. Without parent support and advocacy, gifted education would not survive. The universal goal of education is to meet the needs of students. Parents of gifted children, though representing a small percentage of the students, are minority stakeholders in the schools and deserve to have their children's educational needs met. It is vital that parents of gifted speak up for the needs of bright children. How can you effectively do that? Here are some tips.
Establish rapport with the school.
Be a friend to the school. Let teachers and administrators know you appreciate their efforts. When was the last time you wrote a note of appreciation to school personnel? Let them know you recognize their initiatives and the time they spend with your children. Be specific. Early in the year, write an "anticipatory praise" note to your child's teacher telling him or her how you are looking forward to your child being in their classroom because. . . . .of the excellent science activities they do; the gerbils they loan to student helpers for the weekend; or the myriad of paperback books available in their classroom. Share information about your child that might be helpful to the teacher. Express your willingness to discuss any concerns the teacher may have about your child, and offer to be of assistance throughout the year.
Parents can aid schools in delivering appropriate education in many ways. Some involve working directly with students. Others are behind-the-scenes activities that send the message to teachers that you care and that you understand the monumental tasks they are facing with limited time and money. Some suggestions are listed here.
-Serve as a mentor to an individual student, perhaps with one who is accelerated in reading or mathematics.
-Serve as a coach for Future Problem Solving, Odyssey of the Mind, Academic Decathlon, Junior Great Books, Math Olympiad, History Day, or Science Fair.
-Organize a lending library of professional materials for parents and educators.
-Assist in compiling, editing, or printing a newspaper or anthology of student work.
-Provide career exploration for students.
-Compile student interest surveys.
-Use the Internet to research a topic being studied in class and share the information and web site with the class.
-Research material for a local music concert, drama production, or art exhibit. Share the information with students and transport them to the performance.
-Judge contests such as science fairs, mock trial competitions, or invention conventions.
-Arrange for a guest speaker, a field trip, or a student shadowing experience.
-Transport students to the public library and assist them in a computer search or the use of the reference room.
-Organize and lead a book discussion group.
-Offer to video tape a school event.
-Make computer mailing labels or computer generated certificates for students.
-Assist in collating and preparing a mailing.
-Donate books or a magazine subscription to the school library.
-Spearhead a schoolground beautification project. Donate time and plantings.
-Organize a fine arts day. Invite local artists and performers.
-Offer to teach an after-school or Saturday class in an area of your expertise or interest.
Educators, parents, and community persons are appointed to serve on such district committees as: district advisory committees, textbook selection committees, building parent-teacher committees, financial oversight committees, and building and property committees. Parents who support individual school board members in their campaigns for office, also have their ear when a concern about gifted education arises. Attending school board meetings, or better yet, being a candidate for the school board, indicates you care about education. A friendly face gets a warmer reception when it's time to discuss a difficult situation.
Be informed.
What do you need to know to be an effective advocate? More than you think! Understand the budget, the educational philosophy, board members' positions, and the organizational hierarchy of your entire school system. What is the district mission statement and what are the board policies? Who has the power and who makes the decisions? Read the board minutes to understand the issues facing the school system. Attend board meetings and observe who speaks, how they dress, what style is effective.
Next, become an expert on gifted education, both in your district and across the country. What is the district policy statement regarding gifted education? What is the funding source? Is it adequate? What are the state regulations and funding guidelines? Who is the coordinator of gifted and who is on the staff? In what talent areas are students served? What assessment methods are used to identify gifted students? What are the program components for serving these children? Learn about gifted children and gifted education in general. Read books, attend conferences, talk to parents in neighboring districts. Visit with teachers and other professionals, with area and state gifted consultants, to discover the acceptable practices in gifted education.
To know yourself and know your children is the most important element of all. Are you comfortable with who you are? Do you understand your children's abilities and short comings? What are your strengths? How can you make them work for you? What are your liabilities? What traits do you have in common with your children? Many parents have found the SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted) model of guided discussion groups helpful in understanding both themselves and their children. This ten week series based on the book, Guiding the Gifted Child,provides opportunities to read, discuss, and interact with other parents to better understand the behaviors and parenting skills needed to support these children. To be confident in your own abilities, is the first step to success.
Use effective communication techniques.
School and home share some common goals for the emotional, social, and academic growth of the child. Both want students to acquire some basic knowledge, some thinking and problem solving skills; to develop their gifts, talents, and creativity; to attain social skills, a good self-concept, and a lifelong love of learning. To achieve these goals for your children, it is imperative that parents and educators become partners rather than adversaries. Although the child the school sees is the same child you send out the door each morning, teachers and parents relate to the child from different perspectives. Each have unique insights into the child's needs, aspirations, interests, and aptitudes. It is this cooperation between school and home that can be powerful in contributing to students' success later in life.
When you wish to communicate with the school, follow the chain of command by talking first to the classroom teacher. He or she has the most knowledge about your student. Teachers are increasingly more informed about gifted children and their educational needs, but are also hampered by the constraints of the educational system in which they work and the demands to meet the diverse needs within their classroom. Many teachers have had no formal pre-service training in gifted education and only limited in-service. Despite these handicaps, most are willing to cooperate with parents in finding appropriate educational solutions.
True communication is hearing what others say; sensing what they are feeling; and responding empathically to both. An attitude of "What can we do together for my child?" receives a more positive response than one of "blaming" or asking, "What are YOU going to do?" Prepare for the conference by discussing with your child his or her feelings about school. Identify specific behaviors or interests in your child. To establish a common understanding, initially ask for the teacher's overall perception about the child. Then build on the positives as shared by the teacher. Be diplomatic, respectful, and tactful. Learning the educational "jargon" and the terms for varied gifted education delivery methods increases your credibility and respect with the teacher. Be aware of your body language and the words you choose. You many want to avoid some "hot button" words such as, "bored, brilliant, always, last year!" Some "softener" phrases might include, "I'm curious about…" "I'm wondering if…" "Can you help me understand…" It is far better to ask questions than make demands. "Have you thought about…?" "I wonder what would happened if…?"
If you take examples of products produced outside the school day, or results from private psychological tests, introduce them in a way that is not threatening to the teacher. Not, "See, I told you she was smart." But rather, "I know you are interested in each individual student, and I thought you might enjoy seeing these examples of Mary's work." Parents can share the child's out of school interests, skills, leisure time activities, and home responsibilities; things the child especially enjoys about school or experiences the child finds frustrating; any unusual happenings that might affect the emotional well-being of the child. Be specific about concerns. Focus on solutions or problem-solving attempts in small steps and ones that are achievable. Try to come to an agreement on a plan of action. If the suggestion is one you cannot accept, reflect on the possibilities and indicate you will follow-up at a later date. Express a willingness to work together and to be informed. Be positive about the child, the teacher, and the school.
Only after conferring with the child's teacher, should you move on to the next person in command. Even then, it is wise to inform or include the teacher in a conference with the principal. Other persons that might be helpful are the supervisor or director of gifted education, and curriculum supervisors. If you are still experiencing frustration over your child's education, it might be appropriate to talk to the director of elementary or secondary education, an assistant superintendent or a superintendent. Involving the board of education is a last resort! Educators dislike being questioned by the board of directors and this can lead to hostile feelings toward a parent by administrators.
Know what to expect from a gifted program.
Parents can be effective if they know what questions to ask regarding the gifted program.
Does the district have a clearly written plan with a philosophy and goals specifically for gifted students?
Does the identification method use multiple criteria?
Are teachers who serve the gifted supportive and have they received appropriate training?
Are there multiple programming components designed to meet individual needs and learning styles, and are they articulated across grade levels?
Is there an emphasis on problem solving, higher level thinking, and student generated products of high quality?
Is curriculum presented at an appropriate level and pace?
Are there opportunities for students to interact with ability-level peers?
Does the program have a component for parent and community involvement?
Does the program address the social and emotional needs unique to gifted students?
In addition to academics which are recognized as part of the total school curriculum, are there after school and Saturday enrichment opportunities in the areas of student interests?
Does the program have a systematic and on-going evaluation?
Join with other parents.
Parents joining together can speak collectively for the needs of gifted children. A parent support group offers moral support and an opportunity to increase your knowledge about gifted students and appropriate educational opportunities. Meet with a nucleus of other parents who share a concern for the needs of gifted children. Involve the district coordinator. Perhaps he or she will be willing to give you names of other parents, or notify them of a meeting time and place. Establish a minimum structure for the group: officers, by-laws, meeting date, dues structure. You will need some funds for communication, refreshments, and mileage for speakers. Plan interesting and informative programs. At one of the first meetings, school personnel might give an overview of the district's gifted talented program, its structure, personnel, and funding. Communication with members and programs of interest to parents are essential to maintain a successful group. These program ideas have been used: a presentation on the characteristics of gifted children; a parent-child creative writing night; a discussion of state legislative issues; planning, searching and applying for college; creative activities in the home; the social-emotional needs of gifted children; competitions for gifted students; parents as volunteers; a summer opportunities fair; a local librarian sharing the latest books for children and parents; family games night; parenting young gifted children; appropriate computer games and web sites.
Some parent groups reach out to the community by enlisting the mayor to issue a proclamation for Gifted Education Week; providing scholarships to summer programs; organizing Saturday or summer enrichment classes taught by their members; contributing books or magazines to school libraries; honoring gifted students for special awards or achievements.
If parents feel supported, informed, and connected with other parents, they can become a powerful advocacy group. When the president of the parent group addresses the board of education or writes to the administration, it is as a representative of all the gifted children in the district, not just a single person advocating for his or her child. There is power in numbers!
Are pushy parents getting a bad rap? Perhaps. But informed parents who advocate for their gifted children are a necessity if gifted education programs are to survive!
Alvino, J. (1985). Parents' guide to raising a gifted child. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Co.
Barclay, K., Boone, E. (1996). The parent difference: Uniting school, family, and community. Arlington Heights, IL: IRI/SkyLight Training and Publishing Co.
Dunn, R., Dunn, K., Treffinger, D. (1992). Bringing out the giftedness in your child.New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Ehrlich, V. (1985). Gifted children: A guide for parents and teachers.New York, NY: Trillium Press.
Renzulli, J. (1994). Schools for talent development: A practical plan for total school improvement.Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press, Inc.
Steele, K. (1996). Involving parents in schools.Dayton, OH: Pieces of Learning.
Walker, S. (1991). The survival guide for parents of gifted kids.
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing, Inc.
Webb, J., DeVries, A. (1998). Gifted parent groups: the SENG model.Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
Webb, J., Meckstroth, B., Tolan, S. (1994). Guiding the gifted child. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
ARTICLE - What Parents should Expect for the Gifted Child - How to Make it Happen
To go directly to the page, click the title above or copy/paste this link: http://www.giftedbooks.com/authorarticles.asp?id=15
This is not my work. I do, however, think it sums up my personal feelings about gifted education (for the most part).
What Parents Should Expect for the Gifted Child - How to Make it Happen
Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E.
(Used with permission by Open Space Communications)
Understanding Our Gifted Volume 18, No. 1, Fall 2005
Arlene DeVries is author of the book Gifted Parent Groups: The SENG Model
Is your gifted student being challenged in the classroom? Does she learn something new every day? Often, bright young people languish in a setting where repetition and rote learning lull them into passivity. When students are not challenged, they fail to understand that true achievement comes with effort. Because of bureaucratic pressure, limited funding, and large class sizes, teachers often find themselves "teaching to the middle" or employing extra efforts to "bring up the bottom." Therefore, they may be unaware of your child's interests and abilities. How can a parent determine if his child is being "left behind"?
If the child scores consistently high on daily assignments or standardized tests, yet still makes careless mistakes on routine homework assignments, and/or indicates a lack of interest in school, it may be time to ask questions about the appropriateness of his educational experience. Perceptive parents, with the aid of test scores, portfolio documentation, and anecdotal records of home experiences, can assist teachers in determining if the curriculum is meeting the student's needs.
When should the parent approach the teacher, and when can the situation be handled by the student herself? Children at very young ages can be empowered to make requests concerning their assignments. They need to be coached on how to appropriately approach the teacher. When other students are quietly working, the student might say to the teacher, "I have correctly spelled all these words on the pretest. Would it be possible for me to have a more advanced list next week?" Or, "If I do the five most difficult math problems correctly, could I be excused from doing the rest of the work sheet and use the time to go to the library to explore astronomy?" It is important to ask questions rather than make demands from the teacher. Students need self-confidence and role-play practice at home to execute such a plan.
When a child's self-esteem is suffering, a parent may need to approach school personnel, Such interventions are most likely to be successful if the parent has already established a positive rapport with the school. Notes of appreciation to the teacher or principal do not go unnoticed! A friendly face is welcome at school. Parents show support for the school by donating time or money to construct new playground equipment or establishing schoolyard beautification projects; judging science or invention competitions; assisting in compiling, editing, or printing newsletters or anthologies of student work; leading book discussion groups; serving as mentors to students; facilitating career explorations; or donating books or magazine subscriptions to the school library.
When there is a problem or issue to be discussed, it is proper to confer with the teacher first. If further conferencing is necessary, the principal and/or other school administrator should be invited to attend. The gifted coordinator or teacher can also be an effective advocate for your child.
What should you ask for? It could be acceleration in a content area or occasionally a grade skip. Acceleration in a content area may take the form of compacting the curriculum, which involves pretesting to see if your child has mastered the curriculum before it is presented. The student then moves more quickly to advanced material. It might be appropriate for your child to study a topic in-depth or at a more complex level that involves making connections or seeing relationships. A child studying environmental issues surrounding forests could present the varying viewpoints of a logger, a camper, a wildlife scientist, a rain forest ecologist, or a furniture manufacturer.
Although curriculum differentiation is appropriate for all students, it is critical in keeping gifted students challenged and engaged in learning. To throw a non-swimmer in the deep end of the pool is inhumane. To demand an Olympic swimmer remain in the shallow end until the rest of the class learns to swim is a ludicrous restraint!
Learning must extend beyond acquisition of facts. Gifted students are capable of being producers of new knowledge. Are there opportunities for creative thinking and problem solving? Do classroom assignments go beyond filling in the blanks on work sheets? By asking students to rewrite the Preamble to the Constitution in their own words, the teacher is helping them to develop higher order thinking skills. At home children can be involved in the problem solving decisions of daily living. Then deciding to purchase new carpet or remodel a room, cost comparisons, color decisions, and quality of materials all need to be decided. Young children can make informed decisions regarding the price, nutrition, and quantity when purchasing breakfast cereals.
Gifted students crave knowledge, ask questions, and are curious. Parents must allow young people to follow their passions. A child enamored with having a pet snake can learn about life spans, ecological patterns, food chains, geographical climates, financial investments, and responsibility. The interest might eventually lead to a career as a herpetologist. For some students, passions change monthly, Being the parent of a gifted child demands patience, tolerance, understanding, and support.
It is a fundamental human desire to belong. Where do gifted children fit? The farther they are from the mean in the bell-shaped curve of abilities, the more they have to relinquish their "real selves" to fit in. Because of the asynchronous development of these children, they may require a variety of peers - intellectual, social, physical, and emotional. A student may need an older child or adult with whom she can play chess or discuss the latest astronomical discovery. An age-level peer of similar physical prowess may play tennis with him. A relative, neighbor, or counseling adult might meet emotional needs. Self-esteem increases when children are involved intellectually, emotionally, or artistically with others who are similar. Students placed in classes with those of lesser abilities develop feelings of isolation, frustration, and withdrawal. They tend to "dumb down" to fit in and never have the satisfaction of knowing that with effort they can achieve.
Parents can balance the school experience by finding opportunities in the community based on the student's interests. Budding musicians can participate in a group musical experience, young artists can enroll in art classes, those curious about the out-of-doors can participate in science or conservation group activities, and avid readers can be part of a youth group at the public library. One of the best ways for bright students to find others like them is to enroll in Saturday or summer classes for gifted students. Summer residential and other outside-of-school programs are often the place where gifted youngsters find others that think and learn as they do, often developing lasting friendships. [Editor's Note: See Surfing the Net in this issue and all other issues of Understanding Our Gifted.]
It is imperative that parents and schools work together to challenge gifted children by providing appropriate learning activities, helping students to select a wide variety of stimulating reading material, exposing them to the creative arts, supporting participation in physical activities, encouraging communication skills, and establishing a nurturing and positive environment.
This is not my work. I do, however, think it sums up my personal feelings about gifted education (for the most part).
What Parents Should Expect for the Gifted Child - How to Make it Happen
Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E.
(Used with permission by Open Space Communications)
Understanding Our Gifted Volume 18, No. 1, Fall 2005
Arlene DeVries is author of the book Gifted Parent Groups: The SENG Model
Is your gifted student being challenged in the classroom? Does she learn something new every day? Often, bright young people languish in a setting where repetition and rote learning lull them into passivity. When students are not challenged, they fail to understand that true achievement comes with effort. Because of bureaucratic pressure, limited funding, and large class sizes, teachers often find themselves "teaching to the middle" or employing extra efforts to "bring up the bottom." Therefore, they may be unaware of your child's interests and abilities. How can a parent determine if his child is being "left behind"?
If the child scores consistently high on daily assignments or standardized tests, yet still makes careless mistakes on routine homework assignments, and/or indicates a lack of interest in school, it may be time to ask questions about the appropriateness of his educational experience. Perceptive parents, with the aid of test scores, portfolio documentation, and anecdotal records of home experiences, can assist teachers in determining if the curriculum is meeting the student's needs.
When should the parent approach the teacher, and when can the situation be handled by the student herself? Children at very young ages can be empowered to make requests concerning their assignments. They need to be coached on how to appropriately approach the teacher. When other students are quietly working, the student might say to the teacher, "I have correctly spelled all these words on the pretest. Would it be possible for me to have a more advanced list next week?" Or, "If I do the five most difficult math problems correctly, could I be excused from doing the rest of the work sheet and use the time to go to the library to explore astronomy?" It is important to ask questions rather than make demands from the teacher. Students need self-confidence and role-play practice at home to execute such a plan.
When a child's self-esteem is suffering, a parent may need to approach school personnel, Such interventions are most likely to be successful if the parent has already established a positive rapport with the school. Notes of appreciation to the teacher or principal do not go unnoticed! A friendly face is welcome at school. Parents show support for the school by donating time or money to construct new playground equipment or establishing schoolyard beautification projects; judging science or invention competitions; assisting in compiling, editing, or printing newsletters or anthologies of student work; leading book discussion groups; serving as mentors to students; facilitating career explorations; or donating books or magazine subscriptions to the school library.
When there is a problem or issue to be discussed, it is proper to confer with the teacher first. If further conferencing is necessary, the principal and/or other school administrator should be invited to attend. The gifted coordinator or teacher can also be an effective advocate for your child.
What should you ask for? It could be acceleration in a content area or occasionally a grade skip. Acceleration in a content area may take the form of compacting the curriculum, which involves pretesting to see if your child has mastered the curriculum before it is presented. The student then moves more quickly to advanced material. It might be appropriate for your child to study a topic in-depth or at a more complex level that involves making connections or seeing relationships. A child studying environmental issues surrounding forests could present the varying viewpoints of a logger, a camper, a wildlife scientist, a rain forest ecologist, or a furniture manufacturer.
Although curriculum differentiation is appropriate for all students, it is critical in keeping gifted students challenged and engaged in learning. To throw a non-swimmer in the deep end of the pool is inhumane. To demand an Olympic swimmer remain in the shallow end until the rest of the class learns to swim is a ludicrous restraint!
Learning must extend beyond acquisition of facts. Gifted students are capable of being producers of new knowledge. Are there opportunities for creative thinking and problem solving? Do classroom assignments go beyond filling in the blanks on work sheets? By asking students to rewrite the Preamble to the Constitution in their own words, the teacher is helping them to develop higher order thinking skills. At home children can be involved in the problem solving decisions of daily living. Then deciding to purchase new carpet or remodel a room, cost comparisons, color decisions, and quality of materials all need to be decided. Young children can make informed decisions regarding the price, nutrition, and quantity when purchasing breakfast cereals.
Gifted students crave knowledge, ask questions, and are curious. Parents must allow young people to follow their passions. A child enamored with having a pet snake can learn about life spans, ecological patterns, food chains, geographical climates, financial investments, and responsibility. The interest might eventually lead to a career as a herpetologist. For some students, passions change monthly, Being the parent of a gifted child demands patience, tolerance, understanding, and support.
It is a fundamental human desire to belong. Where do gifted children fit? The farther they are from the mean in the bell-shaped curve of abilities, the more they have to relinquish their "real selves" to fit in. Because of the asynchronous development of these children, they may require a variety of peers - intellectual, social, physical, and emotional. A student may need an older child or adult with whom she can play chess or discuss the latest astronomical discovery. An age-level peer of similar physical prowess may play tennis with him. A relative, neighbor, or counseling adult might meet emotional needs. Self-esteem increases when children are involved intellectually, emotionally, or artistically with others who are similar. Students placed in classes with those of lesser abilities develop feelings of isolation, frustration, and withdrawal. They tend to "dumb down" to fit in and never have the satisfaction of knowing that with effort they can achieve.
Parents can balance the school experience by finding opportunities in the community based on the student's interests. Budding musicians can participate in a group musical experience, young artists can enroll in art classes, those curious about the out-of-doors can participate in science or conservation group activities, and avid readers can be part of a youth group at the public library. One of the best ways for bright students to find others like them is to enroll in Saturday or summer classes for gifted students. Summer residential and other outside-of-school programs are often the place where gifted youngsters find others that think and learn as they do, often developing lasting friendships. [Editor's Note: See Surfing the Net in this issue and all other issues of Understanding Our Gifted.]
It is imperative that parents and schools work together to challenge gifted children by providing appropriate learning activities, helping students to select a wide variety of stimulating reading material, exposing them to the creative arts, supporting participation in physical activities, encouraging communication skills, and establishing a nurturing and positive environment.
ARTICLE - Social and Emotional Issues of Gifted Children
This is not my work. You can see the original article by clicking on the title above or you can copy/paste this link into your browser: http://www.sengifted.org/articles_social/Cross_CompetingWithMythsAboutTheSocialAndEmotionalDevelopment.shtml.
Title: Competing with myths about the social and emotional development of gifted students
Citation: From Gifted Child Today. 2002 Summer. Reprinted with permission.
Author: Tracy L. Cross
As a person who has dedicated himself to the study of the psychological and experiential lives of gifted students, I have encountered widely held myths and associated practices that have negative effects on the social and emotional development of gifted students. These myths are common among parents, teachers, administrators, and gifted students. As a wise person (Lao Tsu) once said, "Nothing is more difficult than competing with a myth." Doing so, however, can create tremendous opportunities for people. Recall that it was not that long ago that myth prevented women from competing in long distance foot races.
The following list includes some of the most common and insidious examples of myths pertaining to the social development of gifted students. I hope that by discussing these examples, gifted students will be better served and barriers to their well-beings will be broken.
Myth 1. Gifted students should be with students their own age. The worry expressed here is that something inappropriate or untoward will occur if different age groups spend time together. Parents, teachers, and administrators worry that groups of multi-age children will struggle with exploitation, intimidation, inappropriate modeling, and sexuality. This prevailing myth undergirds some advocates' preferences for educational models that emphasize enrichment rather than acceleration. The logic is as follows: "We should keep the students together even if they have already mastered the material." Some believers of this myth will claim that research supports this point, but in fact they are mistaken. Writers have published this sentiment, but research does not support this idea. In fact, in my research with Larry Coleman, it is clear that gifted students need opportunities to be together with their intellectual peers, no matter what their age differences (Coleman & Cross, 2001). While there are plenty of appropriate reasons to provide enriching educational experiences, these decisions should not be made out of fear, worry or myth; they should be based on the needs of the students.
Myth 2. Gifted students are better off if they spend their entire school day amidst same-age, heterogeneous classmates. The claim is that if we allow gifted students to be clustered together through one of any means available, they will be unable to get along with others later in life, and this experience will cause emotional distress. Middle school principals and some middle school teachers regularly expressed these feelings. This concern includes the belief on the parts of the adults that gifted students, to be happy, must become socially astute. Becoming socially astute requires that gifted students spend as much time as possible in heterogeneous classroom environments. Once again, the claimed research that supports this myth is virtually nonexistent. Imagine all the opportunities students have to interact with other people. Church, sports, dubs, meals, camps, are just a few examples. Sacrificing learning and creating frustration based on this myth is unethical, in my opinion. This problem increases as the students develop and their knowledge base increases within a specific discipline.
Myth 3. Being perfectly well rounded should be the primary goal for gifted student development. Please note the carefully chosen phrase, "perfectly well rounded," as opposed to "somewhat well-rounded." Many parents, teachers, and administrators believe that it is their role to ensure that gifted students are perfectly well-rounded. To that end, they will encourage, prod, goad, push, threaten, and yell at gifted students to get them to spend less time engaged in their passion areas, so they can engage in something the adult wishes them to do. A very common example is that of an introverted gifted student who has great facility with computers. Adults will drag the child away from her passion to get her to participate in something she may loathe. While adults in each of these roles should be concerned with the well-being of gifted students, requiring them to engage in activities for which the gifted student has no interest (e.g., going outside and playing, or spending time with other children you do not choose to play with during the school day) as a means to make them happy later in life is misguided. Much of the research on successful gifted adults has revealed that they spent considerable amounts of time, often alone, in their passion areas as children. A more reasonable approach is to encourage and nurture other interests in the child rather than sending them the message that they are unacceptable as they are. For example, sending gifted children to a residential summer program can do wonders to broaden interests within a community where they feel emotionally safe and accepted for who they are.
Myth 4. Being gifted is something with which you are just born. A corollary to this is that things come easily when you are gifted or being gifted means never having to study or to try hard in school. This naive notion of giftedness, while intuitively proper, can be debilitating to gifted students' development. Many teachers, parents, administrators, and gifted students hold this belief. It is not informed, however, by research on talent development and development in general. Moving from an entity notion of giftedness to an incremental notion, wherein talent is developed with hard work and some failure, is a much healthier and more nurturing experience of being a gifted student (Dweck, 1986). This change in understanding of giftedness is of particular importance before age 10 or so. That is because a school's curriculum tends to get more focused as it moves toward middle school. Many gifted students experience this change as personal failure, causing self-doubt and distress, because they have internalized intellectual struggle as failure. To change this belief merely requires teaching gifted students about the two definitions, exposing them to models who failed in the process of great accomplishment (e.g., Thomas Edison) and having them go through processes that include struggle as part of growth.
Myth 5. Virtually everybody in the field of gifted education is an expert on the social and emotional development of gifted students. An extension of this is that every adult (parent, teacher, school administrator) is an expert on the social and emotional development of gifted students. The field of gifted studies is quite small, often yielding professionals in the field who are called on to be experts in numerous areas. This regularly plays out with a high percentage claiming expertise and being called on to provide wisdom on this topic. Another reason for this situation is the fact that we were all students once ourselves and that, supposedly, makes us familiar with gifted students' lives. This is similar to my having played football as a youngster and now claiming expertise equivalent to that of Peyton Manning. Many factors combine to create situations where competing advice--sometimes by people who mean well, but do not know the research on the social and emotional development of gifted students--is given. As the field of gifted studies grows and matures, I think that children would be better served by having the expertise of those who specialize, rather than relying on a model that requires its experts to know a little about everything associated with the field.
Myth 6. Adults (parents, teachers, and administrators) know what gifted students experience. This plays out on issues such as being around bullies and drugs, sexuality, and social pressures. In addition to the usual generational differences, in many ways, contemporary experiences are different from the experiences of previous generations. For example, many gifted students go to school fearful of schools as unsafe environments. Gifted students of today are often surrounded by guns, and when not, still perceive that they are. In short, the vague red menace of previous generations has been replaced by generalized anxiety and fear; fear that the media has exacerbated and kept alive in ways that are inescapable by today's youth. The hubris of adults to believe that they know what gifted students experience on a daily basis is mind-boggling. Consider these two facts: the suicide rate of adolescents rose more than 240% between 1955 and 1990, and suicide is the second leading cause of death of this age group (Holinger, Offer, Barter & Bell, 1994). Is it possible that our children live in a somewhat different context than adults did at the same age? If parents can observe classrooms more often, talk with their gifted children, asking for descriptions of their experiences, then a much richer understanding is possible.
Myth 7. Being too smart in school is a problem, especially for girls. This myth has many facets to it. It represents adults' worries about their own feelings of acceptance; concerns about fears associated with standing out; the typical antiintellectual culture of schools; the reflection of society's under evaluation of high levels of achievement; and the often mentioned, intuitively based association of high levels of intellectual ability with low levels of morality. The obvious consequence of this myth is the nurturing of incredibly high percentages of our students who underachieve in school. A large proportion of American students with gifts and talents have developed social coping strategies that use up time, energy, limit their opportunities, cause bad decisions to be made, retard their learning, and threaten their lives. These behaviors and beliefs about self make perfect sense when one perceives the mixed messages about being gifted in their school's social milieu. We must provide support for these children as they navigate the anti-intellectual contexts in which they spend much of their time.
Myth 8. All kids are gifted, and no kids are gifted. This myth is most often expressed by administrators and occasionally by teachers. The reasons for these two beliefs are predictable given the developmental differences that manifest across the grade levels. For example, while in the elementary grades, which are thought to have a more amorphous curriculum than the later grades, teachers typically perceive manifestations of potential for extraordinary work as indicators of giftedness. As the child moves toward high school where the curriculum tends to be quite focused, with distinct disciplines being taught by teachers passionate about the subject areas they teach (we hope), giftedness is often determined as meaningful only as a manifestation of success within the specific courses. Middle school represents some of both of these operative definitions of giftedness.
Another important aspect to this belief is the primary motivator that led teachers and administrators to pursue their profession. For example, when you ask elementary teacher candidates what they want to do most, they will tell you that they want to teach young children. Secondary teachers tend to say that they want to teach math, English, and so forth. Middle school teachers often hold very strong views about the specific age group of students they have chosen to work with. These teachers and administrators often describe the primary school-based needs of middle school students in terms of social needs and their need to learn in a protective environment that emphasizes the students' developmental frailties. A rigorous educational curriculum is seldom the highest priority.
Another undercurrent to these positions is that being gifted is tied to the assumption that gifted children are better than other students. This is a very unfortunate connection, because it encourages adults to hold the position that all kids are gifted or no kids are gifted. James Gallagher, a wise man in the field of gifted education, once said "When someone claims that all kids are gifted, merely ask them `In what?'" Being gifted eventually has to be in something. While all kids are great, terrific, valuable, and depending on your beliefs perhaps even a gift from God, they are not all gifted in the way the term is used in the field. Giftedness is not an anointment of value. A person who shows extraordinary ability for high levels of performance when young and, if provided appropriate opportunities, demonstrates a development of talent that exceeds normal levels of performance, is gifted.
I hope that providing a list of some of the pervasive and insidious myths that affect the lives of gifted students will inspire us to take action on behalf of the students. If we challenge these myths with examples of good research, provide appropriate counseling and create learning environments where students with gifts and talents can thrive, then many of these myths can be eliminated. Let us work to help all students have an appropriate education, including gifted students.
Coleman, L. J. & Cross, T. L. (2001). Being gifted in school: An introduction to development, guidance, and teaching. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Dweck, C. S. (1986). Motivation processes affecting learning. American Psychologist, 41, 1040-1048.
Holinger, P. C., Offer, D,, Barter, J. T., & Bell, C. C. (1994). Suicide and homicide among adolescents. New York: Guilford Press.
Tracy L. Cross, Ph.D., is George and Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Gifted Studies at Ball State University and the executive director of the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities. He may be reached at the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306-6055; email: tcross@gw.bsu.edu.
COPYRIGHT 2002 Prufrock Press
Title: Competing with myths about the social and emotional development of gifted students
Citation: From Gifted Child Today. 2002 Summer. Reprinted with permission.
Author: Tracy L. Cross
As a person who has dedicated himself to the study of the psychological and experiential lives of gifted students, I have encountered widely held myths and associated practices that have negative effects on the social and emotional development of gifted students. These myths are common among parents, teachers, administrators, and gifted students. As a wise person (Lao Tsu) once said, "Nothing is more difficult than competing with a myth." Doing so, however, can create tremendous opportunities for people. Recall that it was not that long ago that myth prevented women from competing in long distance foot races.
The following list includes some of the most common and insidious examples of myths pertaining to the social development of gifted students. I hope that by discussing these examples, gifted students will be better served and barriers to their well-beings will be broken.
Myth 1. Gifted students should be with students their own age. The worry expressed here is that something inappropriate or untoward will occur if different age groups spend time together. Parents, teachers, and administrators worry that groups of multi-age children will struggle with exploitation, intimidation, inappropriate modeling, and sexuality. This prevailing myth undergirds some advocates' preferences for educational models that emphasize enrichment rather than acceleration. The logic is as follows: "We should keep the students together even if they have already mastered the material." Some believers of this myth will claim that research supports this point, but in fact they are mistaken. Writers have published this sentiment, but research does not support this idea. In fact, in my research with Larry Coleman, it is clear that gifted students need opportunities to be together with their intellectual peers, no matter what their age differences (Coleman & Cross, 2001). While there are plenty of appropriate reasons to provide enriching educational experiences, these decisions should not be made out of fear, worry or myth; they should be based on the needs of the students.
Myth 2. Gifted students are better off if they spend their entire school day amidst same-age, heterogeneous classmates. The claim is that if we allow gifted students to be clustered together through one of any means available, they will be unable to get along with others later in life, and this experience will cause emotional distress. Middle school principals and some middle school teachers regularly expressed these feelings. This concern includes the belief on the parts of the adults that gifted students, to be happy, must become socially astute. Becoming socially astute requires that gifted students spend as much time as possible in heterogeneous classroom environments. Once again, the claimed research that supports this myth is virtually nonexistent. Imagine all the opportunities students have to interact with other people. Church, sports, dubs, meals, camps, are just a few examples. Sacrificing learning and creating frustration based on this myth is unethical, in my opinion. This problem increases as the students develop and their knowledge base increases within a specific discipline.
Myth 3. Being perfectly well rounded should be the primary goal for gifted student development. Please note the carefully chosen phrase, "perfectly well rounded," as opposed to "somewhat well-rounded." Many parents, teachers, and administrators believe that it is their role to ensure that gifted students are perfectly well-rounded. To that end, they will encourage, prod, goad, push, threaten, and yell at gifted students to get them to spend less time engaged in their passion areas, so they can engage in something the adult wishes them to do. A very common example is that of an introverted gifted student who has great facility with computers. Adults will drag the child away from her passion to get her to participate in something she may loathe. While adults in each of these roles should be concerned with the well-being of gifted students, requiring them to engage in activities for which the gifted student has no interest (e.g., going outside and playing, or spending time with other children you do not choose to play with during the school day) as a means to make them happy later in life is misguided. Much of the research on successful gifted adults has revealed that they spent considerable amounts of time, often alone, in their passion areas as children. A more reasonable approach is to encourage and nurture other interests in the child rather than sending them the message that they are unacceptable as they are. For example, sending gifted children to a residential summer program can do wonders to broaden interests within a community where they feel emotionally safe and accepted for who they are.
Myth 4. Being gifted is something with which you are just born. A corollary to this is that things come easily when you are gifted or being gifted means never having to study or to try hard in school. This naive notion of giftedness, while intuitively proper, can be debilitating to gifted students' development. Many teachers, parents, administrators, and gifted students hold this belief. It is not informed, however, by research on talent development and development in general. Moving from an entity notion of giftedness to an incremental notion, wherein talent is developed with hard work and some failure, is a much healthier and more nurturing experience of being a gifted student (Dweck, 1986). This change in understanding of giftedness is of particular importance before age 10 or so. That is because a school's curriculum tends to get more focused as it moves toward middle school. Many gifted students experience this change as personal failure, causing self-doubt and distress, because they have internalized intellectual struggle as failure. To change this belief merely requires teaching gifted students about the two definitions, exposing them to models who failed in the process of great accomplishment (e.g., Thomas Edison) and having them go through processes that include struggle as part of growth.
Myth 5. Virtually everybody in the field of gifted education is an expert on the social and emotional development of gifted students. An extension of this is that every adult (parent, teacher, school administrator) is an expert on the social and emotional development of gifted students. The field of gifted studies is quite small, often yielding professionals in the field who are called on to be experts in numerous areas. This regularly plays out with a high percentage claiming expertise and being called on to provide wisdom on this topic. Another reason for this situation is the fact that we were all students once ourselves and that, supposedly, makes us familiar with gifted students' lives. This is similar to my having played football as a youngster and now claiming expertise equivalent to that of Peyton Manning. Many factors combine to create situations where competing advice--sometimes by people who mean well, but do not know the research on the social and emotional development of gifted students--is given. As the field of gifted studies grows and matures, I think that children would be better served by having the expertise of those who specialize, rather than relying on a model that requires its experts to know a little about everything associated with the field.
Myth 6. Adults (parents, teachers, and administrators) know what gifted students experience. This plays out on issues such as being around bullies and drugs, sexuality, and social pressures. In addition to the usual generational differences, in many ways, contemporary experiences are different from the experiences of previous generations. For example, many gifted students go to school fearful of schools as unsafe environments. Gifted students of today are often surrounded by guns, and when not, still perceive that they are. In short, the vague red menace of previous generations has been replaced by generalized anxiety and fear; fear that the media has exacerbated and kept alive in ways that are inescapable by today's youth. The hubris of adults to believe that they know what gifted students experience on a daily basis is mind-boggling. Consider these two facts: the suicide rate of adolescents rose more than 240% between 1955 and 1990, and suicide is the second leading cause of death of this age group (Holinger, Offer, Barter & Bell, 1994). Is it possible that our children live in a somewhat different context than adults did at the same age? If parents can observe classrooms more often, talk with their gifted children, asking for descriptions of their experiences, then a much richer understanding is possible.
Myth 7. Being too smart in school is a problem, especially for girls. This myth has many facets to it. It represents adults' worries about their own feelings of acceptance; concerns about fears associated with standing out; the typical antiintellectual culture of schools; the reflection of society's under evaluation of high levels of achievement; and the often mentioned, intuitively based association of high levels of intellectual ability with low levels of morality. The obvious consequence of this myth is the nurturing of incredibly high percentages of our students who underachieve in school. A large proportion of American students with gifts and talents have developed social coping strategies that use up time, energy, limit their opportunities, cause bad decisions to be made, retard their learning, and threaten their lives. These behaviors and beliefs about self make perfect sense when one perceives the mixed messages about being gifted in their school's social milieu. We must provide support for these children as they navigate the anti-intellectual contexts in which they spend much of their time.
Myth 8. All kids are gifted, and no kids are gifted. This myth is most often expressed by administrators and occasionally by teachers. The reasons for these two beliefs are predictable given the developmental differences that manifest across the grade levels. For example, while in the elementary grades, which are thought to have a more amorphous curriculum than the later grades, teachers typically perceive manifestations of potential for extraordinary work as indicators of giftedness. As the child moves toward high school where the curriculum tends to be quite focused, with distinct disciplines being taught by teachers passionate about the subject areas they teach (we hope), giftedness is often determined as meaningful only as a manifestation of success within the specific courses. Middle school represents some of both of these operative definitions of giftedness.
Another important aspect to this belief is the primary motivator that led teachers and administrators to pursue their profession. For example, when you ask elementary teacher candidates what they want to do most, they will tell you that they want to teach young children. Secondary teachers tend to say that they want to teach math, English, and so forth. Middle school teachers often hold very strong views about the specific age group of students they have chosen to work with. These teachers and administrators often describe the primary school-based needs of middle school students in terms of social needs and their need to learn in a protective environment that emphasizes the students' developmental frailties. A rigorous educational curriculum is seldom the highest priority.
Another undercurrent to these positions is that being gifted is tied to the assumption that gifted children are better than other students. This is a very unfortunate connection, because it encourages adults to hold the position that all kids are gifted or no kids are gifted. James Gallagher, a wise man in the field of gifted education, once said "When someone claims that all kids are gifted, merely ask them `In what?'" Being gifted eventually has to be in something. While all kids are great, terrific, valuable, and depending on your beliefs perhaps even a gift from God, they are not all gifted in the way the term is used in the field. Giftedness is not an anointment of value. A person who shows extraordinary ability for high levels of performance when young and, if provided appropriate opportunities, demonstrates a development of talent that exceeds normal levels of performance, is gifted.
I hope that providing a list of some of the pervasive and insidious myths that affect the lives of gifted students will inspire us to take action on behalf of the students. If we challenge these myths with examples of good research, provide appropriate counseling and create learning environments where students with gifts and talents can thrive, then many of these myths can be eliminated. Let us work to help all students have an appropriate education, including gifted students.
Coleman, L. J. & Cross, T. L. (2001). Being gifted in school: An introduction to development, guidance, and teaching. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Dweck, C. S. (1986). Motivation processes affecting learning. American Psychologist, 41, 1040-1048.
Holinger, P. C., Offer, D,, Barter, J. T., & Bell, C. C. (1994). Suicide and homicide among adolescents. New York: Guilford Press.
Tracy L. Cross, Ph.D., is George and Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Gifted Studies at Ball State University and the executive director of the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities. He may be reached at the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306-6055; email: tcross@gw.bsu.edu.
COPYRIGHT 2002 Prufrock Press
OPINION - Math Competitions
Okay, here's my research on math competitions. I know that we have SEVERAL students who love math.
Personally, I really like the 2nd option - MathCounts. Like Battle of the Books, this offers an opportunity for MANY students in CHSS to participate at the school level, and a chance for kids who want to participate, to compete to join a group of (up to eight of) CHSS's finest students to represent the school at the next level. If we could get a commitment from a coach and parent volunteers, we could go ahead and register for MATHCOUNTS Club (registration for the club is free), get materials (materials for the club are free), set up the club "meetings" as an extra-curricular activity, and still have some time before December 7th to get the coach's opinion on whether or not we can be competitive.
I will list and summarize these and then put more detail below.
1) MOEMS: Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools - www.moems.org SUMMARY: The deadline to enter was September 30th - not an option for this year - the fee is beween $89 and $99, and no travel is required. 6th, 7th and 8th grade may participate, although 6th grade participation is not recommended.
2) MATHCOUNTS - http://www.mathcounts.org/ SUMMARY: The deadline to register is December 7th, 2007. Up to eight students per school may compete (up to 4 team members and 4 individuals) from grades 6, 7 and 8. The competition registration fees are $80 per team (up to four students) and $20 per individual. Reduced fees of $40 per team and $10 per individual are available to Title I schools. School competitions generally take place in January; Chapter Competitions are in February, State Competitions are in March and the Lockheed Martin MATHCOUNTS National Competition is in May. Participation in MATHCOUNTS Club (and materials) is free, and there is not a limit to the students who can participate.
3) AMC: American Mathematics Competitions - http://www.unl.edu/amc/ SUMMARY: AMC 8 contests (more info below) are Tuesday, November 13, 2007. Registration is $33 until Oct. 14, $43 from Oct. 15-28, and $53 from Oct. 29-Nov. 6. There is a charge of approximately $2 per "contest" for each student. To add the Math Club Package, it's an additional $25. **This is the competition that feeds the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad
4) ARML: American Regions Math League - http://www.arml.com/ SUMMARY: I have included the information below, but think this is too cost-prohibitive. Plus, it's created for high school students and very few middle school students participate.
5) Math Kangaroo Competition - http://www.mathkangaroo.org/ SUMMARY: Competition is Thursday, March 27, 2008 at Lacey Elementary School in Raleigh (or any school, including CHSS, can apply to host a competition). Deadline to register is December 15th. Cost is $20 per student.
6) Math League - http://www.mathleague.com/ SUMMARY: Deadline is Jan. 31, 2008 to register. The contest date is in February (either the 19th or 26th). Registration is $30 (for each set of 30 participants).
1) Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS)
Rules, etc:
1. Fee Per Team: USA, Canadian, or Mexican Postal Code: US $89 ONLINE, $99 MAIL; All Other Foreign: US$125 ONLINE, $150 MAIL.
2. Credit Card Payment: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express are accepted.
3. Foreign Payment: because of bank surcharges, only credit cards as listed above or International Money Orders or American Express Money Orders, payable to Math Olympiads, can be accepted. Checks drawn on foreign banks or foreign branches of domestic banks will be returned.
4. Each team may contain up to 35 students. All students must be enrolled as full-time in the same school.
5. No team may be in both divisions. Teams with any seventh or eighth grade students MUST be in Division M.
6. Team Letter: if a school enters more than one team, you may find it helpful to designate each team, using A, B, C, etc. Please complete a separate form for each team.
7. Make payment or P.O. payable to: Math Olympiads (2154 Bellmore Avenue; Bellmore, NY 11710-5645). Only U.S. dollars are acceptable. Enrollments cannot be completed online at this time
8. Please enroll by September 30. Refunds are granted only to schools that withdraw prior to October 1.
9. Membership is open to any accredited school or homeschool association that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or gender in its educational program or employment practices. Membership is granted upon paying the annual membership fee for each team prior to the enrollment deadline.
10. For further information, call (866) 781-2411 or e-mail info@moems.org
Your school's math club meets weekly for an hour. Club members explore a topic or strategy in depth.
Choose from two grade-appropriate divisions.
· If a team has any 7th or 8th graders, it must be in the DIVISION M.
· If a team has NO 7th or 8th graders, we strongly recommend that it be in the DIVISION E.
· NO team may have any student who has completed grade 8.
· Teams may not be split between two divisions.
While younger students will be accepted into either division, we do not recommend it. Without proper support, younger students can easily become afraid of math, rather than excited by it.
The highlights for students are the five monthly contests, given from November to March. These contests provide an incentive for students to intensify their study of math. The number of contests reinforces learning to think mathematically. The contest dates are: DIVISION E - Nov. 20, Dec 11, Jan 15, Feb 5, March 4 and DIVISION M - Nov. 14, Dec 12, Jan 16, Feb 6, March 5
· Contests are taken in the participating school.
· Each contest consists of five nonroutine problems.
· Every problem requires careful mathematical thinking and has a time limit.
· Each student, working alone, scores 1 point for each correct answer. Thus, a student may score up to 25 points per year.
· Calculators are not permitted.
· When a problem introduces a more advanced concept, all necessary definitions are included.
· The detailed solution for each problem usually names the strategy required.
· Many solutions include follow-up problems and activities.
After each contest, results are submitted to us for scorekeeping. Our records will determine which awards are to be shipped after the last contest.
Each team has up to 35 students. Many schools have more than one team. Only schools or homeschool associations, not individuals, may participate. Each team competes in just one division. Teams from more than one school are called "District Teams" and are not eligible for team awards. The team score is the sum of the ten highest individual scores, taken after the fifth contest.
Each participant receives a Certificate of Participation. The high scorer of each team receives a trophy. (Note: An Honorable Mention troply is also available for purchase.) Each of the top 50% of all participants in each division receives a handsome embroidered Olympiad patch. Each of the top 10% of all participants in each division receives a silver or gold pin. Each student who achieves a perfect score of 25 points receives a bronze medallion.
For each division, each team in the top 10% of all teams receives a plaque; the next 10%, a certificate. The grade level of a team is the highest grade level of any of its members. In Division E, special certificates are awarded to the top 20% of all Grade 5 Teams and also of all Grade 4 Teams. In Division M, a special certificate is awarded to the top 20% of all Grade 7 Teams.
MATHCOUNTS® is a national math enrichment, coaching & competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement in every U.S. state & territory. Celebrating its 25th anniversary, MATHCOUNTS is one of the most successful education partnerships involving volunteers, educators, industry sponsors & students.
Thousands of teachers use the free MATHCOUNTS curriculum materials to supplement classroom materials or as an extracurricular activity. Those wishing to fully capitalize on the ability of the creative MATHCOUNTS materials to challenge students & motivate them to develop strong math skills also participate in the MATHCOUNTS competition series.
Schools select students to compete individually or as part of a team in one of the more than 500 written & oral competitions held nationwide. Top students advance to the state, & ultimately, national level. MATHCOUNTS challenges students' math skills, develops their self-confidence & rewards them for their achievements.
Students enrolled in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade are eligible to participate in MATHCOUNTS competitions. Students taking middle school mathematics classes who are not full‑time 6th, 7th or 8th graders are not eligible. Participation in MATHCOUNTS competitions is limited to three years for each student though there is no limit to the number of years a student may participate in the school‑based coaching phase.
SCHOOL REGISTRATION: A school may register one team of four and up to four individuals for a total of eight participants. You must designate team members versus individuals prior to the start of the local (chapter) competition (i.e., a student registered as an "individual" may not help his/her school team advance to the next level of competition).
Why Participate in MATHCOUNTS
Each year, more than 500,000 students participate in MATHCOUNTS at the school level. They tell us that their experience as a Mathlete is often one of the most memorable and fun experiences of their middle school years. MATHCOUNTS provides students with the following benefits:
A challenging and fun activity that helps them in their math classes.
A chance to share common interests with new and often long-lasting friends.
An opportunity to meet students from other schools.
The experience of developing teamwork skills.
A chance to vie for scholarships and prizes.
A sense of accomplishment that comes from setting and achieving goals.
An opportunity to explore mathematics and mathematics-related careers.
A chance to explore mathematics that isn't always taught in middle school classrooms.
Club Program - MATHCOUNTS is pleased to launch the MATHCOUNTS Club Program to coincide with its 25th anniversary. This new program may be used by schools as a stand-alone program or incorporated into the student preparation for the MATHCOUNTS competition.
What is it? The MATHCOUNTS Club Program provides schools with the structure and activities to hold regular meetings of a math club. Depending on the level of student and teacher involvement, a school may receive a recognition plaque or banner and be entered into a drawing for prizes.
What Resources do Schools Receive?
Schools participating in the Club Program will receive the Club in a Box resource kit, as well as the 2007-2008 School Handbook, Volume II. Among other items, the kit includes:
- Further details on the club program
- Club Resource Guide, which outlines structured club activities
- First monthly math challenge
- Poster and hands-on activity
- 12 MATHCOUNTS pencils
- MATHCOUNTS lapel pin for the coach.
Additionally, five other monthly math challenges and an Ultimate Math Challenge will be made available online for use by math club students.
3) American Mathematics Competitions
The AMC 8
The AMC 8 is a 25 question, 40 minute multiple choice examination in junior high school (middle school) mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem solving skills. The examination provides an opportunity to apply the concepts taught at the junior high level to problems which not only range from easy to difficult but also cover a wide range of applications. Many problems are designed to challenge students and to offer problem solving experiences beyond those provided in most junior high school mathematics classes. Calculators are allowed. High scoring students are invited to participate in the AMC 10.
A special purpose of the AMC 8 is to demonstrate the broad range of topics available for the junior high school mathematics curriculum. This is done by competencies. The AMC 8 has the potential to increase the perceptions of the importance of problem solving activities in the mathematics curriculum by stimulating these activities both preceding and following the examination —specifically by studying the solutions manual.
Additional purposes of the AMC 8 are to promote excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards mathematics and to stimulate interest in continuing the study of mathematics beyond the minimum required for high school graduation. Developmentally, junior high school students are at a point where attitudes toward school and learning, and perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics are solidified. It is important that they be provided opportunities that foster the development of positive attitudes towards mathematics and positive perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics. The AMC 8 provides one such opportunity.
We encourage all students in grades 6, 7 and 8 to participate in the AMC 8. All USA, USA embassy, Canadian and foreign school students in grade 8 or below are eligible to participate.
AMC 8 Intramural Awards
A Certificate of Distinction is given to all students who receive a perfect score.
An AMC 8 Winner Pin is given to the student(s) in each school with the highest score.
The top three students for each school section will receive respectively a gold, silver, or bronze Certificate for Outstanding Achievement.
An AMC 8 Honor Roll Certificate is given to all high scoring students.
An AMC 8 Merit Certificate is given to high scoring students who are in 6th grade or below.
The members of the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions (CAMC) are dedicated to the goal of strengthening the mathematical capabilities of our nation's youth. The CAMC believes that one way to meet this goal is to identify, recognize and reward excellence in mathematics through a series of national contests called the American Mathematics Competitions. The AMC include: the American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) (formerly the American Junior High School Mathematics Examination) for students in grades 8 and below, begun in 1985; the American Mathematics Contest 10 (AMC 10), for students in grades 10 and below, new in 2000; the American Mathematics Contest 12 (AMC 12) (formerly the American High School Mathematics Examination) for students in grades 12 and below, begun in 1950; the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), begun in 1983; and the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO), begun in 1972.
4) ARML: American Regions Math League
Q: How many students per team?
A: There are 15 students per team.
Q: How many teams can be brought to a competition?
A: As many as you wish BUT you will need two coaches per team.
Q: Where are the three sites?
A: Penn State University, PA; University of Iowa, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Q: What are the costs associated with the competitions?
A1: $300 per team and a fee for room and board at the competition ($55/person in 2007). There is a
fee for staying an extra night ($17/night in 2006).
A2: For a team competing for the first time, the $300 registration fee is waived.
A3: Coaches must pay all team fees before the start of the competition.
Q: How is a team selected?
A1: There are a number of ways and here are a few suggestions:
1. Have an open tryout and provide individual style questions.
2. Invite high scorers from your mathematics leagues.
3. Use individual scores from statewide competitions.
4. Use the results of the AMC, AIME, USAMO competitions.
5. Recommendations from other coaches in the state.
6. After an initial tryout, select more than 15 students and have repeated practices to
determine the better mathematics students.
A2: Coaches may contact the MAA at amcinfo@unl.edu to obtain the AMC, AIME
individual scores for their state.
A3: The ARML By-Laws specify that each team shall consist of 15 students that are currently
enrolled at a level no higher than the 12th grade. In addition, each team must draw its
students from a well-defined geographic area. No two teams can draw students from
overlapping areas.
Q: How many competition rounds are there?
A: There are 4 rounds. In order they are: Team, Power, Individual, and Relay. At the western site, the
Team and Power are done on Friday night. At the other sites, all rounds take place on Saturday.
Q: How will teams be arranged for each round?
A: The Team and Power rounds are seated by teams. In the Individual and Relay
rounds the team members are seated in rows or columns.
Q: How many minutes for each round?
A: Each round is different:
1. In the Team round each team is given 20 minutes to answer 10 problems.
2. In the Power round the team has 1 hour.
3. In the Individual round the participants are given 4 sets of problems. Each set has 2
problems and the players are given 10 minutes for each set. Thus the Individual round is 40
4. In the Relay round the team is divided into 5 smaller teams of 3 players each. Answers are
submitted to the proctor in 6 minute intervals. The problems are in sets of 3 (one per
student). There are 2 relay questions.
Q: How are the 4 rounds graded?
A: The Team, Individual and Relay are by correct answer only. The power round may
require a complete solution with justification or a mathematical proof.
Q: When do you start practicing; how often; how long?
A: As soon as you select a team or have the candidates for a team. Much depends on the
location of the team and the geographic area that the players are coming from.
Practices can be weekly, monthly or something in between and range in time from one to 4 hours.
It may be necessary to do some practice by mail or email. As
you approach the competition date, it may be necessary to change the frequency of
meeting or increase the practice time.
Q: What training practices have been found to be effective?
A: Most teams practice using previous ARML contests or something similar and they
practice all 4 rounds. A number of teams teach topics such as Number Theory,
Geometry and other advanced topics.
Q: How do you practice Relay questions?
A: Some coaches place the top students on one team. Others spread out the top students
among the 5 teams. If you have found a better way, please let the board know.
Q: If we fly to the site, how do we get to the campus?
A: Usually, it is up to the team to arrange for transportation from the airport to the
college. If you have difficulty arranging transportation, contact the Site Director for
Q: A student on my team wants to take the SAT’s and the date is the same as the ARML
Competition, is there an Alternative Testing Date?
A. Yes, there is. Go to the ARML Home Page and click on the SAT Information Link
Q: How does the coach arrange for the money to pay all team and student costs?
A: Some teams have sponsors but most teams receive cost of student fees from their school. Many
parents pay their child fees.
Q: How do I arrange travel plans?
A: Most teams travel by tour buses, others by car, and a few fly to the sites. All travel costs,
team fees, and student costs must be included in the price you request from each student.
Edited: Feburary 20, 2007
5) Math Kangaroo Competition
All students from grades 2 - 12 of any national or ethnic origin are invited to participate in Math Kangaroo in USA.
The objective is to motivate students to learn and master mathematics.
We encourage participation of students from public schools, private schools and those who are home schooled.
All schools and communities in USA are welcome to host Math Kangaroo.
The competition problems are selected by International Committee every year in a different country and students solve the same problems worldwide.
There are eleven levels of participation: level of grade 2, level of grade 3, level of grade 4, ... and so on until level of grade 12.
Students participate at their school level or at a higher level (if they attend accelerated math programs at their schools).
The competition has a form of a multiple choice test. (You may see past Kangaroo problems at this site.
At each level of participation the first prize is awarded to the student who earns the largest sum of points at her/his level of participation in the competition nationally in USA. If more than one student earns the highest number of points, there are more than one students placed first. Likewise the second and the consecutive prizes are awarded at each level of participation. 10 places are recognized at each level of participation in USA. Additional prizes are funded provided resources are available.
The competition questions are selected by Math Kangaroo representatives from all participating countries who meet at their annual conference each fall.
If a student is awarded with the first prize (or second, etc ) at a certain level of participation, it means he/she is first (or second, etc) nationally in USA.
In USA we award all participants and inform schools and public about students participating in Math Kangaroo.
The prizes are funded with money from participation fee and by sponsors.
We recognize students for their achievement but we do not compare schools' results, states' results and we do not report results to other countries.
We are a not for profit organization who has been awarded 501(c)3 status by IRS.
grades V & VI
The duration of the competition is about 75 min.
Thirty problems to solve: 10 – 3 points each, 10 – 4 points each, 10 – 5 points each.
Calculators are not allowed. You may use basic geometric tools.
Scope of problems:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; magic squares; fractions and decimals; a clock, a calendar; perimeter of a polygon; area of a rectangle and a triangle; lines and rays on a surface; a cube, a rectangular solid; acute, right, and obtuse angles; mathematical logic.
grades VII & VIII
The duration of the competition is about 75 min.
Thirty problems to solve: 10 – 3 points each, 10 – 4 points each, 10 – 5 points each.
Calculators are not allowed. You may use basic geometric tools.
Scope of problems:
operations on rational numbers; powers of natural numbers; equations, inequalities and systems of linear equtions; area of a rectangle, a triangle and a circle; lines and rays on a surface; volume and lateral of surface area of geometric figures; angles: acute, right, and obtuse; supplementary angles, sum of angles in a triangle and in a quadrilateral; mathematical logic.
What is the responsibility of the hosting school/organization/church?
•to devote about 2 hours on the Kangaroo Day in the afternoon or evening (the test lasts 75 minutes);
•to inform students that registration takes place on Internet or by mail with our fliers;
•to receive the competition material for each registered student (we send the material in advance);
•to make sure the students work independently in the designated time;
•to mail the answer forms on Friday after the test, back to the Kangaroo Center in Lisle, IL (the questions stay with the participants);
•to receive and distribute diplomas and prizes in May.
Why students like to participate:
Certificates of Participation for all participants;
Math Kangaroo in USA t-shirts for all participants;
Some souvenirs/prizes for all participants ;
Certificates of Excellence and prizes for the top winners: about 20-25% of all the participants.
What is the cost of participation in Math Kangaroo in USA?
The participation fee for Math Kangaroo 2007was $20 for a student. Parents pay the fee, sometimes schools, or local sponsors.
6) Math League
Math League's 6th, 7th, and 8th grade contests challenge students and schools in interschool league competitions. Students in each league compete for the highest scores, while schools compete for the highest team score: the total of the top 5 scores in each school. Each contest's questions cover material appropriate to each grade level. Questions may cover: basic topics, plus exponents, fractions, reciprocals, decimals, rates, ratios, percents, angle measurement, perimeter, area, circumference, basic roots, patterns, sequences, integers, triangles and right triangles, and other topics, depending on the grade level. Detailed solution sheets demonstrate the methods used to solve each problem. These contests encourage a variety of problem-solving skills and methods, to improve students' abilities and understanding of mathematical connections, while having fun!
Contest Format: Each contest consists of 40 multiple-choice questions that you can do in 30 minutes. On each 3-page contest, the questions on the 1st page are generally straightforward, those on the 2nd page are moderate in difficulty, and those on the 3rd page are more difficult. There is a 6th Grade Score Report, and a 7th and 8th Grade Score Report sent to schools in each league after the contest.
Q:I teach a 6th grade student who is doing 7th grade math. In which contest should this student participate?
A: A student may participate officially in only one of the contests for grades 6, 7, and 8. A 6th grade student taking 7th grade math may participate officially in either the 6th Grade Contest or the 7th Grade Contest, but not both. In this case, the choice of contest is not made by us: it's made by you and/or your student.
Q:We only have 1 or 2 students in our school interested in these contests. May we participate?
A:There is no minimum number of students required to participate in any of these contests.
Q:Our school wants to participate but we do not want our scores listed. May we participate on an unofficial basis?
A:Any school may choose to be an unofficial participant in the contests. Unofficial schools receive the same materials as official schools, but are not eligible for plaques. For grades 6, 7, and 8, only high scoring schools and students are listed on the score report summary published by the League. For high schools, the scores of all schools are listed in the score report summary unless a school requests not to be listed.
Personally, I really like the 2nd option - MathCounts. Like Battle of the Books, this offers an opportunity for MANY students in CHSS to participate at the school level, and a chance for kids who want to participate, to compete to join a group of (up to eight of) CHSS's finest students to represent the school at the next level. If we could get a commitment from a coach and parent volunteers, we could go ahead and register for MATHCOUNTS Club (registration for the club is free), get materials (materials for the club are free), set up the club "meetings" as an extra-curricular activity, and still have some time before December 7th to get the coach's opinion on whether or not we can be competitive.
I will list and summarize these and then put more detail below.
1) MOEMS: Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools - www.moems.org SUMMARY: The deadline to enter was September 30th - not an option for this year - the fee is beween $89 and $99, and no travel is required. 6th, 7th and 8th grade may participate, although 6th grade participation is not recommended.
2) MATHCOUNTS - http://www.mathcounts.org/ SUMMARY: The deadline to register is December 7th, 2007. Up to eight students per school may compete (up to 4 team members and 4 individuals) from grades 6, 7 and 8. The competition registration fees are $80 per team (up to four students) and $20 per individual. Reduced fees of $40 per team and $10 per individual are available to Title I schools. School competitions generally take place in January; Chapter Competitions are in February, State Competitions are in March and the Lockheed Martin MATHCOUNTS National Competition is in May. Participation in MATHCOUNTS Club (and materials) is free, and there is not a limit to the students who can participate.
3) AMC: American Mathematics Competitions - http://www.unl.edu/amc/ SUMMARY: AMC 8 contests (more info below) are Tuesday, November 13, 2007. Registration is $33 until Oct. 14, $43 from Oct. 15-28, and $53 from Oct. 29-Nov. 6. There is a charge of approximately $2 per "contest" for each student. To add the Math Club Package, it's an additional $25. **This is the competition that feeds the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad
4) ARML: American Regions Math League - http://www.arml.com/ SUMMARY: I have included the information below, but think this is too cost-prohibitive. Plus, it's created for high school students and very few middle school students participate.
5) Math Kangaroo Competition - http://www.mathkangaroo.org/ SUMMARY: Competition is Thursday, March 27, 2008 at Lacey Elementary School in Raleigh (or any school, including CHSS, can apply to host a competition). Deadline to register is December 15th. Cost is $20 per student.
6) Math League - http://www.mathleague.com/ SUMMARY: Deadline is Jan. 31, 2008 to register. The contest date is in February (either the 19th or 26th). Registration is $30 (for each set of 30 participants).
1) Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS)
Rules, etc:
1. Fee Per Team: USA, Canadian, or Mexican Postal Code: US $89 ONLINE, $99 MAIL; All Other Foreign: US$125 ONLINE, $150 MAIL.
2. Credit Card Payment: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express are accepted.
3. Foreign Payment: because of bank surcharges, only credit cards as listed above or International Money Orders or American Express Money Orders, payable to Math Olympiads, can be accepted. Checks drawn on foreign banks or foreign branches of domestic banks will be returned.
4. Each team may contain up to 35 students. All students must be enrolled as full-time in the same school.
5. No team may be in both divisions. Teams with any seventh or eighth grade students MUST be in Division M.
6. Team Letter: if a school enters more than one team, you may find it helpful to designate each team, using A, B, C, etc. Please complete a separate form for each team.
7. Make payment or P.O. payable to: Math Olympiads (2154 Bellmore Avenue; Bellmore, NY 11710-5645). Only U.S. dollars are acceptable. Enrollments cannot be completed online at this time
8. Please enroll by September 30. Refunds are granted only to schools that withdraw prior to October 1.
9. Membership is open to any accredited school or homeschool association that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or gender in its educational program or employment practices. Membership is granted upon paying the annual membership fee for each team prior to the enrollment deadline.
10. For further information, call (866) 781-2411 or e-mail info@moems.org
Your school's math club meets weekly for an hour. Club members explore a topic or strategy in depth.
Choose from two grade-appropriate divisions.
· If a team has any 7th or 8th graders, it must be in the DIVISION M.
· If a team has NO 7th or 8th graders, we strongly recommend that it be in the DIVISION E.
· NO team may have any student who has completed grade 8.
· Teams may not be split between two divisions.
While younger students will be accepted into either division, we do not recommend it. Without proper support, younger students can easily become afraid of math, rather than excited by it.
The highlights for students are the five monthly contests, given from November to March. These contests provide an incentive for students to intensify their study of math. The number of contests reinforces learning to think mathematically. The contest dates are: DIVISION E - Nov. 20, Dec 11, Jan 15, Feb 5, March 4 and DIVISION M - Nov. 14, Dec 12, Jan 16, Feb 6, March 5
· Contests are taken in the participating school.
· Each contest consists of five nonroutine problems.
· Every problem requires careful mathematical thinking and has a time limit.
· Each student, working alone, scores 1 point for each correct answer. Thus, a student may score up to 25 points per year.
· Calculators are not permitted.
· When a problem introduces a more advanced concept, all necessary definitions are included.
· The detailed solution for each problem usually names the strategy required.
· Many solutions include follow-up problems and activities.
After each contest, results are submitted to us for scorekeeping. Our records will determine which awards are to be shipped after the last contest.
Each team has up to 35 students. Many schools have more than one team. Only schools or homeschool associations, not individuals, may participate. Each team competes in just one division. Teams from more than one school are called "District Teams" and are not eligible for team awards. The team score is the sum of the ten highest individual scores, taken after the fifth contest.
Each participant receives a Certificate of Participation. The high scorer of each team receives a trophy. (Note: An Honorable Mention troply is also available for purchase.) Each of the top 50% of all participants in each division receives a handsome embroidered Olympiad patch. Each of the top 10% of all participants in each division receives a silver or gold pin. Each student who achieves a perfect score of 25 points receives a bronze medallion.
For each division, each team in the top 10% of all teams receives a plaque; the next 10%, a certificate. The grade level of a team is the highest grade level of any of its members. In Division E, special certificates are awarded to the top 20% of all Grade 5 Teams and also of all Grade 4 Teams. In Division M, a special certificate is awarded to the top 20% of all Grade 7 Teams.
MATHCOUNTS® is a national math enrichment, coaching & competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement in every U.S. state & territory. Celebrating its 25th anniversary, MATHCOUNTS is one of the most successful education partnerships involving volunteers, educators, industry sponsors & students.
Thousands of teachers use the free MATHCOUNTS curriculum materials to supplement classroom materials or as an extracurricular activity. Those wishing to fully capitalize on the ability of the creative MATHCOUNTS materials to challenge students & motivate them to develop strong math skills also participate in the MATHCOUNTS competition series.
Schools select students to compete individually or as part of a team in one of the more than 500 written & oral competitions held nationwide. Top students advance to the state, & ultimately, national level. MATHCOUNTS challenges students' math skills, develops their self-confidence & rewards them for their achievements.
Students enrolled in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade are eligible to participate in MATHCOUNTS competitions. Students taking middle school mathematics classes who are not full‑time 6th, 7th or 8th graders are not eligible. Participation in MATHCOUNTS competitions is limited to three years for each student though there is no limit to the number of years a student may participate in the school‑based coaching phase.
SCHOOL REGISTRATION: A school may register one team of four and up to four individuals for a total of eight participants. You must designate team members versus individuals prior to the start of the local (chapter) competition (i.e., a student registered as an "individual" may not help his/her school team advance to the next level of competition).
Why Participate in MATHCOUNTS
Each year, more than 500,000 students participate in MATHCOUNTS at the school level. They tell us that their experience as a Mathlete is often one of the most memorable and fun experiences of their middle school years. MATHCOUNTS provides students with the following benefits:
A challenging and fun activity that helps them in their math classes.
A chance to share common interests with new and often long-lasting friends.
An opportunity to meet students from other schools.
The experience of developing teamwork skills.
A chance to vie for scholarships and prizes.
A sense of accomplishment that comes from setting and achieving goals.
An opportunity to explore mathematics and mathematics-related careers.
A chance to explore mathematics that isn't always taught in middle school classrooms.
Club Program - MATHCOUNTS is pleased to launch the MATHCOUNTS Club Program to coincide with its 25th anniversary. This new program may be used by schools as a stand-alone program or incorporated into the student preparation for the MATHCOUNTS competition.
What is it? The MATHCOUNTS Club Program provides schools with the structure and activities to hold regular meetings of a math club. Depending on the level of student and teacher involvement, a school may receive a recognition plaque or banner and be entered into a drawing for prizes.
What Resources do Schools Receive?
Schools participating in the Club Program will receive the Club in a Box resource kit, as well as the 2007-2008 School Handbook, Volume II. Among other items, the kit includes:
- Further details on the club program
- Club Resource Guide, which outlines structured club activities
- First monthly math challenge
- Poster and hands-on activity
- 12 MATHCOUNTS pencils
- MATHCOUNTS lapel pin for the coach.
Additionally, five other monthly math challenges and an Ultimate Math Challenge will be made available online for use by math club students.
3) American Mathematics Competitions
The AMC 8
The AMC 8 is a 25 question, 40 minute multiple choice examination in junior high school (middle school) mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem solving skills. The examination provides an opportunity to apply the concepts taught at the junior high level to problems which not only range from easy to difficult but also cover a wide range of applications. Many problems are designed to challenge students and to offer problem solving experiences beyond those provided in most junior high school mathematics classes. Calculators are allowed. High scoring students are invited to participate in the AMC 10.
A special purpose of the AMC 8 is to demonstrate the broad range of topics available for the junior high school mathematics curriculum. This is done by competencies. The AMC 8 has the potential to increase the perceptions of the importance of problem solving activities in the mathematics curriculum by stimulating these activities both preceding and following the examination —specifically by studying the solutions manual.
Additional purposes of the AMC 8 are to promote excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards mathematics and to stimulate interest in continuing the study of mathematics beyond the minimum required for high school graduation. Developmentally, junior high school students are at a point where attitudes toward school and learning, and perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics are solidified. It is important that they be provided opportunities that foster the development of positive attitudes towards mathematics and positive perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics. The AMC 8 provides one such opportunity.
We encourage all students in grades 6, 7 and 8 to participate in the AMC 8. All USA, USA embassy, Canadian and foreign school students in grade 8 or below are eligible to participate.
AMC 8 Intramural Awards
A Certificate of Distinction is given to all students who receive a perfect score.
An AMC 8 Winner Pin is given to the student(s) in each school with the highest score.
The top three students for each school section will receive respectively a gold, silver, or bronze Certificate for Outstanding Achievement.
An AMC 8 Honor Roll Certificate is given to all high scoring students.
An AMC 8 Merit Certificate is given to high scoring students who are in 6th grade or below.
The members of the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions (CAMC) are dedicated to the goal of strengthening the mathematical capabilities of our nation's youth. The CAMC believes that one way to meet this goal is to identify, recognize and reward excellence in mathematics through a series of national contests called the American Mathematics Competitions. The AMC include: the American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) (formerly the American Junior High School Mathematics Examination) for students in grades 8 and below, begun in 1985; the American Mathematics Contest 10 (AMC 10), for students in grades 10 and below, new in 2000; the American Mathematics Contest 12 (AMC 12) (formerly the American High School Mathematics Examination) for students in grades 12 and below, begun in 1950; the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), begun in 1983; and the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO), begun in 1972.
4) ARML: American Regions Math League
Q: How many students per team?
A: There are 15 students per team.
Q: How many teams can be brought to a competition?
A: As many as you wish BUT you will need two coaches per team.
Q: Where are the three sites?
A: Penn State University, PA; University of Iowa, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Q: What are the costs associated with the competitions?
A1: $300 per team and a fee for room and board at the competition ($55/person in 2007). There is a
fee for staying an extra night ($17/night in 2006).
A2: For a team competing for the first time, the $300 registration fee is waived.
A3: Coaches must pay all team fees before the start of the competition.
Q: How is a team selected?
A1: There are a number of ways and here are a few suggestions:
1. Have an open tryout and provide individual style questions.
2. Invite high scorers from your mathematics leagues.
3. Use individual scores from statewide competitions.
4. Use the results of the AMC, AIME, USAMO competitions.
5. Recommendations from other coaches in the state.
6. After an initial tryout, select more than 15 students and have repeated practices to
determine the better mathematics students.
A2: Coaches may contact the MAA at amcinfo@unl.edu to obtain the AMC, AIME
individual scores for their state.
A3: The ARML By-Laws specify that each team shall consist of 15 students that are currently
enrolled at a level no higher than the 12th grade. In addition, each team must draw its
students from a well-defined geographic area. No two teams can draw students from
overlapping areas.
Q: How many competition rounds are there?
A: There are 4 rounds. In order they are: Team, Power, Individual, and Relay. At the western site, the
Team and Power are done on Friday night. At the other sites, all rounds take place on Saturday.
Q: How will teams be arranged for each round?
A: The Team and Power rounds are seated by teams. In the Individual and Relay
rounds the team members are seated in rows or columns.
Q: How many minutes for each round?
A: Each round is different:
1. In the Team round each team is given 20 minutes to answer 10 problems.
2. In the Power round the team has 1 hour.
3. In the Individual round the participants are given 4 sets of problems. Each set has 2
problems and the players are given 10 minutes for each set. Thus the Individual round is 40
4. In the Relay round the team is divided into 5 smaller teams of 3 players each. Answers are
submitted to the proctor in 6 minute intervals. The problems are in sets of 3 (one per
student). There are 2 relay questions.
Q: How are the 4 rounds graded?
A: The Team, Individual and Relay are by correct answer only. The power round may
require a complete solution with justification or a mathematical proof.
Q: When do you start practicing; how often; how long?
A: As soon as you select a team or have the candidates for a team. Much depends on the
location of the team and the geographic area that the players are coming from.
Practices can be weekly, monthly or something in between and range in time from one to 4 hours.
It may be necessary to do some practice by mail or email. As
you approach the competition date, it may be necessary to change the frequency of
meeting or increase the practice time.
Q: What training practices have been found to be effective?
A: Most teams practice using previous ARML contests or something similar and they
practice all 4 rounds. A number of teams teach topics such as Number Theory,
Geometry and other advanced topics.
Q: How do you practice Relay questions?
A: Some coaches place the top students on one team. Others spread out the top students
among the 5 teams. If you have found a better way, please let the board know.
Q: If we fly to the site, how do we get to the campus?
A: Usually, it is up to the team to arrange for transportation from the airport to the
college. If you have difficulty arranging transportation, contact the Site Director for
Q: A student on my team wants to take the SAT’s and the date is the same as the ARML
Competition, is there an Alternative Testing Date?
A. Yes, there is. Go to the ARML Home Page and click on the SAT Information Link
Q: How does the coach arrange for the money to pay all team and student costs?
A: Some teams have sponsors but most teams receive cost of student fees from their school. Many
parents pay their child fees.
Q: How do I arrange travel plans?
A: Most teams travel by tour buses, others by car, and a few fly to the sites. All travel costs,
team fees, and student costs must be included in the price you request from each student.
Edited: Feburary 20, 2007
5) Math Kangaroo Competition
All students from grades 2 - 12 of any national or ethnic origin are invited to participate in Math Kangaroo in USA.
The objective is to motivate students to learn and master mathematics.
We encourage participation of students from public schools, private schools and those who are home schooled.
All schools and communities in USA are welcome to host Math Kangaroo.
The competition problems are selected by International Committee every year in a different country and students solve the same problems worldwide.
There are eleven levels of participation: level of grade 2, level of grade 3, level of grade 4, ... and so on until level of grade 12.
Students participate at their school level or at a higher level (if they attend accelerated math programs at their schools).
The competition has a form of a multiple choice test. (You may see past Kangaroo problems at this site.
At each level of participation the first prize is awarded to the student who earns the largest sum of points at her/his level of participation in the competition nationally in USA. If more than one student earns the highest number of points, there are more than one students placed first. Likewise the second and the consecutive prizes are awarded at each level of participation. 10 places are recognized at each level of participation in USA. Additional prizes are funded provided resources are available.
The competition questions are selected by Math Kangaroo representatives from all participating countries who meet at their annual conference each fall.
If a student is awarded with the first prize (or second, etc ) at a certain level of participation, it means he/she is first (or second, etc) nationally in USA.
In USA we award all participants and inform schools and public about students participating in Math Kangaroo.
The prizes are funded with money from participation fee and by sponsors.
We recognize students for their achievement but we do not compare schools' results, states' results and we do not report results to other countries.
We are a not for profit organization who has been awarded 501(c)3 status by IRS.
grades V & VI
The duration of the competition is about 75 min.
Thirty problems to solve: 10 – 3 points each, 10 – 4 points each, 10 – 5 points each.
Calculators are not allowed. You may use basic geometric tools.
Scope of problems:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; magic squares; fractions and decimals; a clock, a calendar; perimeter of a polygon; area of a rectangle and a triangle; lines and rays on a surface; a cube, a rectangular solid; acute, right, and obtuse angles; mathematical logic.
grades VII & VIII
The duration of the competition is about 75 min.
Thirty problems to solve: 10 – 3 points each, 10 – 4 points each, 10 – 5 points each.
Calculators are not allowed. You may use basic geometric tools.
Scope of problems:
operations on rational numbers; powers of natural numbers; equations, inequalities and systems of linear equtions; area of a rectangle, a triangle and a circle; lines and rays on a surface; volume and lateral of surface area of geometric figures; angles: acute, right, and obtuse; supplementary angles, sum of angles in a triangle and in a quadrilateral; mathematical logic.
What is the responsibility of the hosting school/organization/church?
•to devote about 2 hours on the Kangaroo Day in the afternoon or evening (the test lasts 75 minutes);
•to inform students that registration takes place on Internet or by mail with our fliers;
•to receive the competition material for each registered student (we send the material in advance);
•to make sure the students work independently in the designated time;
•to mail the answer forms on Friday after the test, back to the Kangaroo Center in Lisle, IL (the questions stay with the participants);
•to receive and distribute diplomas and prizes in May.
Why students like to participate:
Certificates of Participation for all participants;
Math Kangaroo in USA t-shirts for all participants;
Some souvenirs/prizes for all participants ;
Certificates of Excellence and prizes for the top winners: about 20-25% of all the participants.
What is the cost of participation in Math Kangaroo in USA?
The participation fee for Math Kangaroo 2007was $20 for a student. Parents pay the fee, sometimes schools, or local sponsors.
6) Math League
Math League's 6th, 7th, and 8th grade contests challenge students and schools in interschool league competitions. Students in each league compete for the highest scores, while schools compete for the highest team score: the total of the top 5 scores in each school. Each contest's questions cover material appropriate to each grade level. Questions may cover: basic topics, plus exponents, fractions, reciprocals, decimals, rates, ratios, percents, angle measurement, perimeter, area, circumference, basic roots, patterns, sequences, integers, triangles and right triangles, and other topics, depending on the grade level. Detailed solution sheets demonstrate the methods used to solve each problem. These contests encourage a variety of problem-solving skills and methods, to improve students' abilities and understanding of mathematical connections, while having fun!
Contest Format: Each contest consists of 40 multiple-choice questions that you can do in 30 minutes. On each 3-page contest, the questions on the 1st page are generally straightforward, those on the 2nd page are moderate in difficulty, and those on the 3rd page are more difficult. There is a 6th Grade Score Report, and a 7th and 8th Grade Score Report sent to schools in each league after the contest.
Q:I teach a 6th grade student who is doing 7th grade math. In which contest should this student participate?
A: A student may participate officially in only one of the contests for grades 6, 7, and 8. A 6th grade student taking 7th grade math may participate officially in either the 6th Grade Contest or the 7th Grade Contest, but not both. In this case, the choice of contest is not made by us: it's made by you and/or your student.
Q:We only have 1 or 2 students in our school interested in these contests. May we participate?
A:There is no minimum number of students required to participate in any of these contests.
Q:Our school wants to participate but we do not want our scores listed. May we participate on an unofficial basis?
A:Any school may choose to be an unofficial participant in the contests. Unofficial schools receive the same materials as official schools, but are not eligible for plaques. For grades 6, 7, and 8, only high scoring schools and students are listed on the score report summary published by the League. For high schools, the scores of all schools are listed in the score report summary unless a school requests not to be listed.
ARTICLE - MATH - Developing Mathematical Talent: Advice to Parents
This is NOT my work, but I did enjoy the article. Click the title above or use this link: http://www.dukegiftedletter.com/articles/vol6no1_talent2.html
Tapping Talent
Developing Mathematical Talent: Advice to Parents
Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005
Mathematically talented students often show an early interest in and facility with numbers. For example, they may learn to tell time at age two and begin adding and subtracting long before they enter kindergarten. Anecdotes shared by parents about their precocious youngsters are helpful in identifying these students initially, but the objective information determined from an appropriate assessment is essential in determining the extent of their abilities and providing them with a challenging level of mathematics.
Although IQ testing is useful, it doesn’t provide enough specific information to pinpoint students’ abilities in math. Grade-level tests are not advanced enough and don’t accurately gauge these abilities. Students need to take an above-level test, such as university talent searches offer, to measure their mathematical reasoning. The tests are called “above-level” because they have been developed for older students. They determine what mathematical concepts students do and do not know, and this information is useful for good curriculum planning.
Options for Math-Talented Students
Based on the results of the testing, a student’s abilities can be matched to the curriculum level. A variety of programs may be implemented for math-talented students:
Enrichment within the regular classroom. The teacher presents challenging and interesting content that may or may not be related to the topics covered in the regular class.
Curriculum compacting within the regular classroom. Students who demonstrate mastery on pretests are permitted to work on more complex topics assigned by the teacher.
Independent study projects. Talented students who complete their work early or who have mastered the content presented in class can work on a math-related project on their own.
Pull-out enrichment programs. Students are taken out of the regular classroom to attend a special class. The teacher provides challenging math work but does not accelerate the student in mathematics.
Acceleration. Students may advance one or more grade levels in math.
Individualized instruction. Working one-on-one or in a small group with a teacher, a student moves systematically through a predetermined curriculum.
Ability grouping. Talented students meet together to study mathematics. This may or may not result in acceleration.
Distance-learning programs. Students can enroll in computer-based or correspondence distance-learning programs. This work can occur either in or outside school.
The Diagnostic Testing —> Prescriptive Instruction Model
Developed by the late Julian C. Stanley at Johns Hopkins University, this model was designed to match the level and pace of mathematics instruction to students’ abilities and achievements. In this individualized program, students go through several steps:
They take an above-level aptitude test to assess their mathematical abilities.
They take a diagnostic pretest that measures their specific achievements in mathematics.
The test proctor readministers items that the student missed, skipped, or did not have time to answer. The student’s
mentor then analyzes the information from this step to clarify what the student does and does not understand.
The mentor works with the student on the topics that he or she has not yet mastered. This prescriptive instruction is the heart of the model.
The student takes a posttest to demonstrate mastery.
This model has been carefully researched and shown to be extremely useful for teaching math-talented students. Since the student is required to demonstrate mastery of each topic before moving ahead, unsuspected gaps in knowledge are not a concern. Students appreciate that the model is tailored to their individual needs and allows them to move at a pace that is appropriate for their own development and maturity.
Sixty years of research clearly demonstrates that acceleration is an effective option for talented students. Not only are accelerated students more challenged academically, but they are more satisfied socially, because they are placed with their intellectual peers.
When students skip a grade or move ahead only in math, challenging them in mathematics every year from then on calls for long-term planning. To prevent students from exhausting their high-level math options before completing high school, they might be transported to a different building for math class, work with tutors individually, participate in a distance-learning program, or take a college math class while still in high school.
Issues of credit and placement are important. The student should be given the appropriate credit or placement for work completed at a satisfactory level. So, for example, a sixth-grader who takes a high school math course should receive high school credit or appropriate math sequence placement for the work completed.
Outside-of-School Resources
Math clubs and competitions allow students to interact with other mathematically inclined children. Competitions include the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools, MATHCOUNTS, the American Mathematics Competitions, and the American Regions Mathematics League. University-based campus or distance learning programs such as those offered by Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and Carnegie Mellon Universities, the University of Denver, and other institutions unite exceptionally talented students with teachers who can offer them exciting, stimulating mathematics.
In addition, many familiar games have strong mathematical components. These include Battleship, checkers, chess, Connect-Four, dominoes, MasterMind, Othello, and Pente. These are all great games for teaching logical thinking and practicing mathematical reasoning.
Parents as Advocates for Their Math-Talented Children
Many schools do not have specific programs in place for mathematically talented students. It is often up to the parents to call attention to their children’s needs and to encourage school personnel to make educational accommodations for them. What can you do to be an advocate?
Become informed: learn what has worked and what has not worked for other families, find out what the research says, and so forth.
Obtain an assessment of your child’s abilities and achievements. The objective information from the testing, combined with representative work samples and classroom performance information, provides the data that school personnel need to make decisions about appropriate programming for your child.
Making changes for your child, such as moving him or her into a different classroom or getting different enrichment materials, is relatively easy. Changing a whole educational program in a school district is much more difficult and time-consuming. However, the efforts that result in short-term changes for your child may result in long-term benefits for other mathematically talented students.
—Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik, PhD
Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik is director of the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Talented Elementary and Secondary Students (C-MITES) at Carnegie Mellon University.
Tapping Talent
Developing Mathematical Talent: Advice to Parents
Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005
Mathematically talented students often show an early interest in and facility with numbers. For example, they may learn to tell time at age two and begin adding and subtracting long before they enter kindergarten. Anecdotes shared by parents about their precocious youngsters are helpful in identifying these students initially, but the objective information determined from an appropriate assessment is essential in determining the extent of their abilities and providing them with a challenging level of mathematics.
Although IQ testing is useful, it doesn’t provide enough specific information to pinpoint students’ abilities in math. Grade-level tests are not advanced enough and don’t accurately gauge these abilities. Students need to take an above-level test, such as university talent searches offer, to measure their mathematical reasoning. The tests are called “above-level” because they have been developed for older students. They determine what mathematical concepts students do and do not know, and this information is useful for good curriculum planning.
Options for Math-Talented Students
Based on the results of the testing, a student’s abilities can be matched to the curriculum level. A variety of programs may be implemented for math-talented students:
Enrichment within the regular classroom. The teacher presents challenging and interesting content that may or may not be related to the topics covered in the regular class.
Curriculum compacting within the regular classroom. Students who demonstrate mastery on pretests are permitted to work on more complex topics assigned by the teacher.
Independent study projects. Talented students who complete their work early or who have mastered the content presented in class can work on a math-related project on their own.
Pull-out enrichment programs. Students are taken out of the regular classroom to attend a special class. The teacher provides challenging math work but does not accelerate the student in mathematics.
Acceleration. Students may advance one or more grade levels in math.
Individualized instruction. Working one-on-one or in a small group with a teacher, a student moves systematically through a predetermined curriculum.
Ability grouping. Talented students meet together to study mathematics. This may or may not result in acceleration.
Distance-learning programs. Students can enroll in computer-based or correspondence distance-learning programs. This work can occur either in or outside school.
The Diagnostic Testing —> Prescriptive Instruction Model
Developed by the late Julian C. Stanley at Johns Hopkins University, this model was designed to match the level and pace of mathematics instruction to students’ abilities and achievements. In this individualized program, students go through several steps:
They take an above-level aptitude test to assess their mathematical abilities.
They take a diagnostic pretest that measures their specific achievements in mathematics.
The test proctor readministers items that the student missed, skipped, or did not have time to answer. The student’s
mentor then analyzes the information from this step to clarify what the student does and does not understand.
The mentor works with the student on the topics that he or she has not yet mastered. This prescriptive instruction is the heart of the model.
The student takes a posttest to demonstrate mastery.
This model has been carefully researched and shown to be extremely useful for teaching math-talented students. Since the student is required to demonstrate mastery of each topic before moving ahead, unsuspected gaps in knowledge are not a concern. Students appreciate that the model is tailored to their individual needs and allows them to move at a pace that is appropriate for their own development and maturity.
Sixty years of research clearly demonstrates that acceleration is an effective option for talented students. Not only are accelerated students more challenged academically, but they are more satisfied socially, because they are placed with their intellectual peers.
When students skip a grade or move ahead only in math, challenging them in mathematics every year from then on calls for long-term planning. To prevent students from exhausting their high-level math options before completing high school, they might be transported to a different building for math class, work with tutors individually, participate in a distance-learning program, or take a college math class while still in high school.
Issues of credit and placement are important. The student should be given the appropriate credit or placement for work completed at a satisfactory level. So, for example, a sixth-grader who takes a high school math course should receive high school credit or appropriate math sequence placement for the work completed.
Outside-of-School Resources
Math clubs and competitions allow students to interact with other mathematically inclined children. Competitions include the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools, MATHCOUNTS, the American Mathematics Competitions, and the American Regions Mathematics League. University-based campus or distance learning programs such as those offered by Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and Carnegie Mellon Universities, the University of Denver, and other institutions unite exceptionally talented students with teachers who can offer them exciting, stimulating mathematics.
In addition, many familiar games have strong mathematical components. These include Battleship, checkers, chess, Connect-Four, dominoes, MasterMind, Othello, and Pente. These are all great games for teaching logical thinking and practicing mathematical reasoning.
Parents as Advocates for Their Math-Talented Children
Many schools do not have specific programs in place for mathematically talented students. It is often up to the parents to call attention to their children’s needs and to encourage school personnel to make educational accommodations for them. What can you do to be an advocate?
Become informed: learn what has worked and what has not worked for other families, find out what the research says, and so forth.
Obtain an assessment of your child’s abilities and achievements. The objective information from the testing, combined with representative work samples and classroom performance information, provides the data that school personnel need to make decisions about appropriate programming for your child.
Making changes for your child, such as moving him or her into a different classroom or getting different enrichment materials, is relatively easy. Changing a whole educational program in a school district is much more difficult and time-consuming. However, the efforts that result in short-term changes for your child may result in long-term benefits for other mathematically talented students.
—Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik, PhD
Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik is director of the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Talented Elementary and Secondary Students (C-MITES) at Carnegie Mellon University.
ARTICLE - Math - Eight considerations for Mathematically Talented Youth
This was very interesting. I can't put the link here, because it's an "active server page" and the link keeps changing. If you click the title above, you will go to the GT-CyberSource.org web site, which has a lot of information. The following article is NOT my work.
Eight considerations for mathematically talented youth
Author(s): Julian Stanley, Ann Lupkowski, Susan Assouline
Source: Prufrock Press, Inc.; Gifted Child Today March/April 1990 Vol. 13, pp. 2-4
Since its founding by Julian C. Stanley in 1971, the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY) at Johns Hopkins University has strongly advocated subject-matter acceleration for students who are extremely talented in mathematics. SMPY staff members have conducted many research studies showing the benefits of such acceleration (e.g., Brody & Benbow, 1987; Brody, Lupkowski, & Stanley, 1988).
Although helping talented students move faster in an attempt to find a good "fit" between their high abilities and the school mathematics curriculum is favored, it should be noted that acceleration has been misused. Too often students speed through textbook after textbook. This constitutes an abuse of acceleration and inhibits studying mathematics in depth.
Many practitioners advocate the use of enrichment because it enables students to study mathematics in greater breadth than in the regular math class. While enrichment activities may relieve boredom, enrichment alone does not provide the substantive, continuous, hierarchical stimulation needed by students extremely talented in mathematics. For example, one mathematics enrichment program requires students to complete numerous "problem-solving" worksheets. Whereas problem-solving and other enrichment activities are of value for all students, they are not the optimal means of attaining in-depth programming for extremely talented students. For these students, a systematic accelerated curriculum, balanced with appropriate enrichment activities, provides the speed and depth needed.
This article focuses on how accelerative and enrichment options complement each other to provide appropriate challenges for talented students. The following eight important points are presented for parents, teachers and mathematically talented students to consider in planning an educational program:
1. Allow extremely talented elementary students time to develop the mathematical maturity needed to study algebra. Often parents and educators contact SMPY about mathematically brilliant youths in the age range 4-11 or so and they mention having the child study algebra right away. They usually are urged to go more slowly because students that young, no matter how brilliant, are unlikely to have a thorough background and firm foundation in general mathematics, the structure of the number system, arithmetical problem solving, or even Piagetian formal operative thinking.
2. Extremely few elementary students will have the necessary cognitive structures already well enough developed enough to do more abstract mathematics such as second and third year algebra, geometrical proofs, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and calculus effectively and in ways that will give them intellectual satisfaction. They may be like the person who can walk fairly well on his hands, but greatly prefers to use his feet, when not demonstrating mastery of the acrobatic stunt. For example, a child who excels at computation may use this mechanical skill to solve difficult problems without understanding the underlying concept. Mathematics as a stunt to please parents or educators is not likely to inculcate in the doer a love for the subject. Too much too early can cost the youngster pleasure in the subject, and the nation promising mathematicians or scientists. The authors have seen that happen a number of times.
3. For the mathematically brilliant youth, acceleration may provide the best educational option. Although in points 1 and 2 the reader is cautioned against rushing into fairly abstract mathematics, acceleration may be the option of choice for the extremely mathematically talented youth. For a small percentage of children, moving ahead in mathematics and related subjects such as physics and computer science more rapidly than their classmates is the only way to provide the best fit for their educational needs.
Identification of Other Abilities
Identification of exceptional mathematical talent usually occurs in conjunction with the identification of other abilities. Some mathematically apt boys and girls have much better verbal ability, mathematical ability, special relations ability, nonverbal reasoning ability, etc., than do others. These are relevant to the pace and level of subject matter ideal at a given age. Also quite important and somewhat distinct from the above is tested intelligence ("IQ"), especially as measured at age 6-8 or so by a skilled tester using individually administered tests. The central office of many sizable school systems is usually equipped to provide achievement, aptitude, and intelligence testing, but parents, as taxpayers, may have to insist that an assessment be done. Otherwise, private, certified psychologists (who should usually have a Ph.D. degree) may be needed. This type of assessment can be rather expensive, but it may be worth the cost, especially when the psychologist helps parents and educators develop an individualized educational plan. SMPY advocates testing that results not only in identification of strengths, but also in specific educational programming.
Accelerative options may include entering school early, skipping an entire grade or advancing in math only. (For 13 ways to accelerate, see Benbow, (1979.) An excellent way to advance fast but efficiently in a subject is SMPY's individually-paced and mentor-guided program (Lupkowski & Assouline, in preparation; Lupkowski, Assouline, & Stanley, submitted; Stanley, 1978, 1979, 1986). Called the Diagnostic Testing-Prescriptive Instruction (DT-PI) model, it can be applied at any age level and provides an efficient mechanism for challenging extremely talented youth. Employing the DT-PI model in elementary school leads to the first course in algebra without undue haste.
4. The mathematically brilliant youth should be kept on a steady diet of highly satisfying mathematics at his or her appropriate level of mental functioning. This does not necessarily mean racing through the standard sequence in truncated periods of time. There is no need to study mathematics intensely every day; one weekly two-hour session with a mentor may provide the challenges and stimulation an unusually talented student needs. Pacing of this sort helps avoid a situation in which a student will not have the opportunity to study mathematics for long periods of time.
In addition to having students do mathematics continually, SMPY encourages them to seek balanced learning experiences. Activities in other academic areas (also in sports, art, music, drama, dance, student government, community service, etc.) should supplement accelerated mathematics.
5. The talented elementary student who moves ahead extremely fast in the mathematical sequence is likely to be catapulted beyond the offerings of the school system long before he or she graduates from high school. Usually, the youth who hurries ahead in mathematics will have to slow down too much at some phase, perhaps not even taking mathematics courses until at the right grade level to resume the sequence. However, if there is an excellent college nearby where the secondary student can readily take regular college courses part-time without jeopardizing his or her high school education, this may not be a problem.
Conventionally, the progression is Algebra I-III, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, at least two courses of calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, probability theory and statistics, and the various branches of "pure" mathematics such as analysis, higher algebra, mathematical logic, number theory, and topology.
6. Teachers, mentors, clubs, and competitions can enrich an accelerated mathematics curriculum for talented youths. Skilled mathematics teachers can offer supplemental problems that are more advanced than typical students can handle. A mathematics mentor can enrich or supersede the youth's mathematics curriculum and provide suitable pacing. The books by Lenchner (1983) and Saul, Kessler, Krilov, and Zimmerman (1986) and issues of Arithmetic Teacher and Mathematics Teacher are good places to begin finding challenging problems for talented students.
Participation in clubs and contests offers students an enriching opportunity to develop their mathematical maturity and a chance to meet other mathematically talented students. A mathematically talented youth should consider every opportunity to hone his or her talents in competitions, from the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary Schools and Mathcounts in junior high school to striving to become a member of the United States team in the annual International Mathematical Olympiad, and other major international events. In addition to moving ahead in mathematics and other subjects, students can study and understand the material at a deeper level than is typical. One young man who participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad said, "The whole thing has given me a much stronger feeling for math,...a very strong foundation of elementary math. Stronger in some ways, probably, than many mathematicians who didn't spend so much time in elementary math" (Dauber, 1988, p. 10).
7. Summer programs offer varied opportunities for able students to forge ahead in mathematics. The truly mathematically talented youngster whose special abilities are recognized early should be made ready by age 12 or 13 to complete precalculus--i.e., through analytic geometry--quickly and well. This may be accomplished by attending one of the regional, residential three- or six-week summer programs conducted in various parts of the country by Johns Hopkins University, Duke University, Northwestern University, the University of Denver, Iowa State University, Arizona State University, California State University at Sacramento, the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire, and other universities, colleges, or state departments of public instruction. Following the completion of precalculus excellently, the student fortunate enough to be in or near a high school that offers a good Advanced Placement Program Level BC calculus course may consider enrolling in it, even though far younger than the typical high school senior in such courses. This usually works well.
8. There are more-advanced "pure" mathematics institutes for students aged about 14-18. Two such programs are Professor Arnold E. Ross's famed one each summer at the Ohio State University in Columbus and the excellent one at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. They require considerable love for mathematics and eagerness to immerse oneself in it (eat, sleep, and breathe mathematics) for a long period of time--six to eight weeks. This is not for everyone who finds regular school mathematics easy, but it is the golden opportunity for a few dedicated young students.
The goals for these youngsters are proper pacing, proper sequencing, plenty of stimulation, time for planning and contemplation, appropriately planned challenges, and continual reinforcement of worthwhile achievements. These goals can be accomplished best without unseemly haste. Don't plunge the quite-young student precipitously into algebra, set theory, number theory, or the like. Let those subjects come in the natural sequence as his or her talents unfold. Take the long view that leads to steadily increasing achievement and deep intellectual satisfaction.
Qualifying Scores for Summer Programs
A student younger than 13 with no formal training in algebra who earns a score of 500 or above on the mathematical portion of the SAT probably has the cognitive skills needed to master algebra and the courses that follow. A score of 500 is the 49th percentile for college-bound male high school seniors and the 64th percentile for college-bound females. The summer programs mentioned in Point 7 usually require students to earn this score in order to attend.
Students who participate in these accelerative programs need to make inquiries regarding high school credit for the special summer classes as well as the availability and scheduling of high school courses to compliment the courses completed in the summer program. Before taking one of the summer mathematics courses, students must be certain that it will be possible for them to continue with mathematics throughout high school in the school system, or at a local college, or with a mentor. The professionals of SMPY also encourage students to supplement their mathematics education by taking courses in physics, computer science, chemistry, and biology.
Benbow, C.P. (1979). The components of SMPY'S smorgasbord of accelerative options. Intellectually Talented Youth Bulletin, 5(10), 21-23.
Brody, L.E., & Benbow, C.P. (1987). Accelerative strategies; How effective are they for the gifted? Gifted Child Quarterly, 31, 105-110.
Brody, L.E., Lupkowski, A.E., & Stanley, J.C. (1988). Early entrance to college: A study of academic and social adjustment during the freshman year. College and University, 63, 347-359.
Dauber, S.L. (1988). International Mathematical Olympiad. The Gifted Child Today, 11(5), 8-11.
Lenchner, G. (1983). Creative problem solving in school mathematics. Boston: Houghton-Midlin.
Lupkowski, A.E., & Assouline, S.G. (in preparation). Jane and Johnny Love Math.
Lupkowski, A.E., Assouline, S.G. & Stanley, J.C. (submitted). Beyond testing: Applying a mentor model for young mathematically talented students.
Saul, M.E., Kessler, G.W., Krilov, S., & Zimmerman, L. (1986). The New York City contest problem book. Palo Alto: Dale Seymour Publications.
Stanley, J.C. (1978). SMPY's DT-PI mentor model: Diagnostic testing followed by prescriptive instruction. Intellectually Talented Youth Bulletin, 4(10), 7-8.
Stanley, J.C. (1979). How to use a fast-pacing math mentor. Intellectually Talented Youth Bulletin, 5(6), 1-2.
Stanley, J C. (1986). Fostering use of mathematical talent in the USA: SMPY's rationale. In A.J. Cropley, K.K. Urban, H. Wagner, & W. Wieczerkowski (Eds,), Giftedness: A continuing worldwide challenge (pp. 227-243). New York: Trillium Press. (Also appeared in the Journal of the Illinois Council for the Gifted. 1986, 5, 18-24.)
Permission Statement
Permission to reprint this article has been granted to the Davidson Institute for Talent Development by Prufrock Press.
This article is provided as a service of the Davidson Institute for Talent Development, a 501(c)3 nonprofit operating foundation, which nurtures and supports profoundly intelligent young people and to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents and to make a positive difference. For more information, please visit http://www.davidson-institute.org, or call (775) 852-3483.
Eight considerations for mathematically talented youth
Author(s): Julian Stanley, Ann Lupkowski, Susan Assouline
Source: Prufrock Press, Inc.; Gifted Child Today March/April 1990 Vol. 13, pp. 2-4
Since its founding by Julian C. Stanley in 1971, the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY) at Johns Hopkins University has strongly advocated subject-matter acceleration for students who are extremely talented in mathematics. SMPY staff members have conducted many research studies showing the benefits of such acceleration (e.g., Brody & Benbow, 1987; Brody, Lupkowski, & Stanley, 1988).
Although helping talented students move faster in an attempt to find a good "fit" between their high abilities and the school mathematics curriculum is favored, it should be noted that acceleration has been misused. Too often students speed through textbook after textbook. This constitutes an abuse of acceleration and inhibits studying mathematics in depth.
Many practitioners advocate the use of enrichment because it enables students to study mathematics in greater breadth than in the regular math class. While enrichment activities may relieve boredom, enrichment alone does not provide the substantive, continuous, hierarchical stimulation needed by students extremely talented in mathematics. For example, one mathematics enrichment program requires students to complete numerous "problem-solving" worksheets. Whereas problem-solving and other enrichment activities are of value for all students, they are not the optimal means of attaining in-depth programming for extremely talented students. For these students, a systematic accelerated curriculum, balanced with appropriate enrichment activities, provides the speed and depth needed.
This article focuses on how accelerative and enrichment options complement each other to provide appropriate challenges for talented students. The following eight important points are presented for parents, teachers and mathematically talented students to consider in planning an educational program:
1. Allow extremely talented elementary students time to develop the mathematical maturity needed to study algebra. Often parents and educators contact SMPY about mathematically brilliant youths in the age range 4-11 or so and they mention having the child study algebra right away. They usually are urged to go more slowly because students that young, no matter how brilliant, are unlikely to have a thorough background and firm foundation in general mathematics, the structure of the number system, arithmetical problem solving, or even Piagetian formal operative thinking.
2. Extremely few elementary students will have the necessary cognitive structures already well enough developed enough to do more abstract mathematics such as second and third year algebra, geometrical proofs, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and calculus effectively and in ways that will give them intellectual satisfaction. They may be like the person who can walk fairly well on his hands, but greatly prefers to use his feet, when not demonstrating mastery of the acrobatic stunt. For example, a child who excels at computation may use this mechanical skill to solve difficult problems without understanding the underlying concept. Mathematics as a stunt to please parents or educators is not likely to inculcate in the doer a love for the subject. Too much too early can cost the youngster pleasure in the subject, and the nation promising mathematicians or scientists. The authors have seen that happen a number of times.
3. For the mathematically brilliant youth, acceleration may provide the best educational option. Although in points 1 and 2 the reader is cautioned against rushing into fairly abstract mathematics, acceleration may be the option of choice for the extremely mathematically talented youth. For a small percentage of children, moving ahead in mathematics and related subjects such as physics and computer science more rapidly than their classmates is the only way to provide the best fit for their educational needs.
Identification of Other Abilities
Identification of exceptional mathematical talent usually occurs in conjunction with the identification of other abilities. Some mathematically apt boys and girls have much better verbal ability, mathematical ability, special relations ability, nonverbal reasoning ability, etc., than do others. These are relevant to the pace and level of subject matter ideal at a given age. Also quite important and somewhat distinct from the above is tested intelligence ("IQ"), especially as measured at age 6-8 or so by a skilled tester using individually administered tests. The central office of many sizable school systems is usually equipped to provide achievement, aptitude, and intelligence testing, but parents, as taxpayers, may have to insist that an assessment be done. Otherwise, private, certified psychologists (who should usually have a Ph.D. degree) may be needed. This type of assessment can be rather expensive, but it may be worth the cost, especially when the psychologist helps parents and educators develop an individualized educational plan. SMPY advocates testing that results not only in identification of strengths, but also in specific educational programming.
Accelerative options may include entering school early, skipping an entire grade or advancing in math only. (For 13 ways to accelerate, see Benbow, (1979.) An excellent way to advance fast but efficiently in a subject is SMPY's individually-paced and mentor-guided program (Lupkowski & Assouline, in preparation; Lupkowski, Assouline, & Stanley, submitted; Stanley, 1978, 1979, 1986). Called the Diagnostic Testing-Prescriptive Instruction (DT-PI) model, it can be applied at any age level and provides an efficient mechanism for challenging extremely talented youth. Employing the DT-PI model in elementary school leads to the first course in algebra without undue haste.
4. The mathematically brilliant youth should be kept on a steady diet of highly satisfying mathematics at his or her appropriate level of mental functioning. This does not necessarily mean racing through the standard sequence in truncated periods of time. There is no need to study mathematics intensely every day; one weekly two-hour session with a mentor may provide the challenges and stimulation an unusually talented student needs. Pacing of this sort helps avoid a situation in which a student will not have the opportunity to study mathematics for long periods of time.
In addition to having students do mathematics continually, SMPY encourages them to seek balanced learning experiences. Activities in other academic areas (also in sports, art, music, drama, dance, student government, community service, etc.) should supplement accelerated mathematics.
5. The talented elementary student who moves ahead extremely fast in the mathematical sequence is likely to be catapulted beyond the offerings of the school system long before he or she graduates from high school. Usually, the youth who hurries ahead in mathematics will have to slow down too much at some phase, perhaps not even taking mathematics courses until at the right grade level to resume the sequence. However, if there is an excellent college nearby where the secondary student can readily take regular college courses part-time without jeopardizing his or her high school education, this may not be a problem.
Conventionally, the progression is Algebra I-III, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, at least two courses of calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, probability theory and statistics, and the various branches of "pure" mathematics such as analysis, higher algebra, mathematical logic, number theory, and topology.
6. Teachers, mentors, clubs, and competitions can enrich an accelerated mathematics curriculum for talented youths. Skilled mathematics teachers can offer supplemental problems that are more advanced than typical students can handle. A mathematics mentor can enrich or supersede the youth's mathematics curriculum and provide suitable pacing. The books by Lenchner (1983) and Saul, Kessler, Krilov, and Zimmerman (1986) and issues of Arithmetic Teacher and Mathematics Teacher are good places to begin finding challenging problems for talented students.
Participation in clubs and contests offers students an enriching opportunity to develop their mathematical maturity and a chance to meet other mathematically talented students. A mathematically talented youth should consider every opportunity to hone his or her talents in competitions, from the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary Schools and Mathcounts in junior high school to striving to become a member of the United States team in the annual International Mathematical Olympiad, and other major international events. In addition to moving ahead in mathematics and other subjects, students can study and understand the material at a deeper level than is typical. One young man who participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad said, "The whole thing has given me a much stronger feeling for math,...a very strong foundation of elementary math. Stronger in some ways, probably, than many mathematicians who didn't spend so much time in elementary math" (Dauber, 1988, p. 10).
7. Summer programs offer varied opportunities for able students to forge ahead in mathematics. The truly mathematically talented youngster whose special abilities are recognized early should be made ready by age 12 or 13 to complete precalculus--i.e., through analytic geometry--quickly and well. This may be accomplished by attending one of the regional, residential three- or six-week summer programs conducted in various parts of the country by Johns Hopkins University, Duke University, Northwestern University, the University of Denver, Iowa State University, Arizona State University, California State University at Sacramento, the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire, and other universities, colleges, or state departments of public instruction. Following the completion of precalculus excellently, the student fortunate enough to be in or near a high school that offers a good Advanced Placement Program Level BC calculus course may consider enrolling in it, even though far younger than the typical high school senior in such courses. This usually works well.
8. There are more-advanced "pure" mathematics institutes for students aged about 14-18. Two such programs are Professor Arnold E. Ross's famed one each summer at the Ohio State University in Columbus and the excellent one at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. They require considerable love for mathematics and eagerness to immerse oneself in it (eat, sleep, and breathe mathematics) for a long period of time--six to eight weeks. This is not for everyone who finds regular school mathematics easy, but it is the golden opportunity for a few dedicated young students.
The goals for these youngsters are proper pacing, proper sequencing, plenty of stimulation, time for planning and contemplation, appropriately planned challenges, and continual reinforcement of worthwhile achievements. These goals can be accomplished best without unseemly haste. Don't plunge the quite-young student precipitously into algebra, set theory, number theory, or the like. Let those subjects come in the natural sequence as his or her talents unfold. Take the long view that leads to steadily increasing achievement and deep intellectual satisfaction.
Qualifying Scores for Summer Programs
A student younger than 13 with no formal training in algebra who earns a score of 500 or above on the mathematical portion of the SAT probably has the cognitive skills needed to master algebra and the courses that follow. A score of 500 is the 49th percentile for college-bound male high school seniors and the 64th percentile for college-bound females. The summer programs mentioned in Point 7 usually require students to earn this score in order to attend.
Students who participate in these accelerative programs need to make inquiries regarding high school credit for the special summer classes as well as the availability and scheduling of high school courses to compliment the courses completed in the summer program. Before taking one of the summer mathematics courses, students must be certain that it will be possible for them to continue with mathematics throughout high school in the school system, or at a local college, or with a mentor. The professionals of SMPY also encourage students to supplement their mathematics education by taking courses in physics, computer science, chemistry, and biology.
Benbow, C.P. (1979). The components of SMPY'S smorgasbord of accelerative options. Intellectually Talented Youth Bulletin, 5(10), 21-23.
Brody, L.E., & Benbow, C.P. (1987). Accelerative strategies; How effective are they for the gifted? Gifted Child Quarterly, 31, 105-110.
Brody, L.E., Lupkowski, A.E., & Stanley, J.C. (1988). Early entrance to college: A study of academic and social adjustment during the freshman year. College and University, 63, 347-359.
Dauber, S.L. (1988). International Mathematical Olympiad. The Gifted Child Today, 11(5), 8-11.
Lenchner, G. (1983). Creative problem solving in school mathematics. Boston: Houghton-Midlin.
Lupkowski, A.E., & Assouline, S.G. (in preparation). Jane and Johnny Love Math.
Lupkowski, A.E., Assouline, S.G. & Stanley, J.C. (submitted). Beyond testing: Applying a mentor model for young mathematically talented students.
Saul, M.E., Kessler, G.W., Krilov, S., & Zimmerman, L. (1986). The New York City contest problem book. Palo Alto: Dale Seymour Publications.
Stanley, J.C. (1978). SMPY's DT-PI mentor model: Diagnostic testing followed by prescriptive instruction. Intellectually Talented Youth Bulletin, 4(10), 7-8.
Stanley, J.C. (1979). How to use a fast-pacing math mentor. Intellectually Talented Youth Bulletin, 5(6), 1-2.
Stanley, J C. (1986). Fostering use of mathematical talent in the USA: SMPY's rationale. In A.J. Cropley, K.K. Urban, H. Wagner, & W. Wieczerkowski (Eds,), Giftedness: A continuing worldwide challenge (pp. 227-243). New York: Trillium Press. (Also appeared in the Journal of the Illinois Council for the Gifted. 1986, 5, 18-24.)
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Permission to reprint this article has been granted to the Davidson Institute for Talent Development by Prufrock Press.
This article is provided as a service of the Davidson Institute for Talent Development, a 501(c)3 nonprofit operating foundation, which nurtures and supports profoundly intelligent young people and to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents and to make a positive difference. For more information, please visit http://www.davidson-institute.org, or call (775) 852-3483.
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