WELCOME, Parents, Educators and Students!

I hope that this blog will be a place for you to gather information, share ideas and concerns (leave your name or post comments anonymously), vent, learn about stuff that's going on, learn about gifted education, or however you want to use it. Please remember that opinions presented in the main posts are my opinions - I don't represent the school, and I don't know the circumstances of every high-achieving child on Hatteras Island. If I offend you, let me know. If I can help you, tell me that too. My ego has been checked at the door; this blog isn't about me, or MY gifted child, it's about all of our kids and how to play the hand we've been dealt to create the best possible learning situation for our kids.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Content of Linda Layden's Powerpoint Presentation

Following (reprinted with Linda's permission) is the content of the presentation Linda made to us at the November 13, 2007, meeting.

CHSS AIG Parent Meeting
November 13, 2007

Prepared and Presented by: Linda C. Layden Assistant Principal & AIG Coordinator

AIG Action Plan

Implemented by Judi Hornbeck, Director of AIG Services for Dare County Schools &         CHSS Administration

nFull-time AIG Teacher

nAIG Instruction in every classroom

nAIG Professional Development

nOdyssey of the Mind Team (Volunteers?)

nNational Junior Honor Society

nDistance Learning Expansion

nPlanning Period with Stipend (possible?)

nStipend for Existing AIG Teachers (DEF)

nHistory Bowl

nMath League

nDuke TIP

nVolunteers – Thanks!

nBattle of the Books

nHands on Equations (assess program)

nPAGE – Form a group

nDianne McDowell

nInvestigate Gates Grant for possible funding

nNCAGT Conference




nTo promote and extend:

nCritical thinking skills

nHands-on Exploration

nAcademic Extension Opportunities

nHigh-interest field studies

nMultiple opportunities to participate in a variety of studies.


Middle School Enrichment

nBattle of the Books



nFuture Fishermen Foundation


nStudio 2B

nCreative Writing

nBee Champions

nExpressive Arts

nFish/Oyster Hatchery


nDigital PR

nFolk Art


MAP Testing

nMeasures of Academic Progress (MAP).

nUsed to determine instructional levels

nUsed to measure academic growth throughout the school year (and from year to year) in math, reading and language.

nTests are administered on a computer.

nReports are sent home to parents.

nFore more information:  www.nwea.org (Northwest Evaluation Association) web site

nSchool contact:  Darlene Francis & Elaine Whitaker


Cross Grade Grouping/Placement

nStudents, based on individualized testing and placement criteria, have been provided opportunities to be moved up in subject areas.

nCriteria:  EOG scores, MAP Scores, Grades, Teacher Recommendation, Parent Recommendation, Social Skills, etc. as directed by administration.



n7th Grade

nNationally known for innovative and challenging programs for high ability students.

nMust score at 95th percentile or higher on a grade level standardized achievement, aptitude, mental ability test or approved state criterion-referenced test within the last two administrations.



Benefits of Duke TIP

nAbove-level testing experience through the SAT or ACT

nEducational Resource Handbook

n Educational Opportunity Guide

nDuke Gifted Letter

nMerit Packet

nMy College Guide


National Junior Honor Society

nCharter Application Complete - $100.00 dues

nSponsor:  Mrs. Lessie Finnegan


nMrs. Jean Taylor

nMrs. Marla Davis

nMrs. Freda Ballard

nMr. Scott Day

nMrs. Lovie Heilig


Distance Learning

nVarious programs from North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics; Bob Mackall


nThinking Creatively……. Join us!

nHigh School:  November 30th; 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

nMiddle School; December 3rd; 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

nSign up tonight!


Independent Projects

nGrade level

nIntegrated Curriculum

nInterest based

nGoal was for second quarter

nNew Goal:  January 2008

nParent/Student Agreement

Summer Ventures

nCharles Stowe and Bob Mackall hosted a Distance Learning session to showcase the opportunities – rising 11th and 12th graders.

nVery few students interested – due to summer employment, leaving the beach for the summer.

Constant Data Study

nAdministration and teachers are in constant review of individual student data.


nGrowth analysis/charts


nNC Report Cards: www.ncpublicschools.org


NE Region AIG Meeting

nNovember 15th

nWill be attended by Judi Hornbeck – DCS & Linda Layden – CHSS


Book Fair

nJoin us! - December 5,6,7 & 10th

nContact:  Freda Ballard


nIdeas to boost sales and reading!

nBook “Wish List for Christmas”

nDaily drawings for FREE books!


NC AGT Conference

nMarch 19 – 21, 2008; Winston Salem, NC

nTo be attended by

nDCS Administration

nDCS Teachers

nParents:  2 from CHSS (Registration and Rooms paid by DCS)


Next Meeting

nTuesday, November 27th, 2007

nMedia Center

n5:00 p.m.

nDianne McDowell

nClassroom Observations/Assessments

nAdministrative Planning

nParent meeting



nIn order to keep our time on task with Mrs. McDowell, please write down your questions tonight and leave them with Linda Layden.

nMrs. McDowell/Judi Hornbeck will be prepared to answer these questions on the 27th.



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