WELCOME, Parents, Educators and Students!

I hope that this blog will be a place for you to gather information, share ideas and concerns (leave your name or post comments anonymously), vent, learn about stuff that's going on, learn about gifted education, or however you want to use it. Please remember that opinions presented in the main posts are my opinions - I don't represent the school, and I don't know the circumstances of every high-achieving child on Hatteras Island. If I offend you, let me know. If I can help you, tell me that too. My ego has been checked at the door; this blog isn't about me, or MY gifted child, it's about all of our kids and how to play the hand we've been dealt to create the best possible learning situation for our kids.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I have struggled to write a summary of last Thursday's meeting, mostly because I can't find my notes :} However, I do have some news to report. (This isn't it, but Jean Taylor, who couldn't be at the meeting because she was out of town, has also expressed her support for our efforts and commitment to helping us.)

Last night I saw Judi Hornbeck and Linda Layden (as well as lots of teachers) at the Board of Education Meeting that was held at Cape Hatteras Elementary.

I had emailed Linda earlier in the day, and got a response from her right after the meeting. I had asked for an update to share with other parents, about what steps had been taken since our Thursday meeting, where we ALL agreed that the current AIG program (or lack thereof) had some big problems and needed immediate action, as well as long term goals, to remedy the situation.

According to Linda, here are the steps that have been taken at CHSS middle school. Please remember these don't necessarily impact every child. You can discuss your child's specific needs with her when you have your meeting.

"Just a few updates per your request:
- We are in the process of moving some students for advanced courses (on individual circumstance in math).
- Hurricane Watch time is being revised this week - changes should be in place next week.
- Coordinating with state NCAGT rep to finalize next meeting date & PAGE info. Just got her returned message tonight and she said she would "love" to come visit - we will finalize date/time by Wednesday. TBA!
- Faculty meeting held on Monday - AIG plans distributed to ALL staff members. Discussions held.
- Counselor distributing info on TIP, SAT, etc. on constant basis.
- Teachers are signing up for NCSSM distance learning programs.
- Media Center has already begun to be used more and more effectively!
- Teachers are getting "best practice" information from Jean, Judi and me on an almost daily basis.
- Constant collaboration about AIG among administrators and teachers on a daily basis.
- Review of AIG plans - updating records - scheduling meetings with parents."

I have gotten word that some AIG students have brought home "different homework" (part of the diferrentiated instruction) and that books have been assigned from the Battle of the Books list. I have not talked to any teachers personally yet. I have printed the packet for MATHCOUNTS, and given it to Linda to give to Mr. Scott Day to get his opinion (and possibly either a commitment or a recommendation to coach the club/team). Additionally, I will send the information about National Junior Honor Society in to school today.

Thanks to everyone who is keeping in touch with us, and working to make this a really successful year with big changes and lots of new and exciting challenges - not only extra-curricular, but also (an even more importanly) in the classrooms.


Anonymous said...

First, this is a great idea Jenn. Thanks for all of your efforts! I think this progress report shows real potential for a PROGRAM that will impact our students in the classroom.

Suzie said...

Ditto on the great idea and thanks for everyone who is working so hard!
